• Written By Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified 17-02-2025

NCERT Books for Class 10 2025: Download PDF


NCERT Books for Class 10: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) prescribes the NCERT books for all classes. The Class 10 NCERT books are designed as per the most recent syllabus. Students can use this article to download Class 10 CBSE books in order to excel in their board exams. These books also assist students in their preparation for various competitive exams such as JEE, NEET, UPSC, etc.

Embibe provides books for all CBSE Class 10 subjects. As Embibe understands the importance of Class 10 exams, it offers students a wide range of books. A team of experts at Embibe have shortlisted popular books for the students to prepare from. However, for the convenience of students, CBSE books for Class 10 PDF are available in English and Hindi. Students can go through these books and ace the exams.

NCERT Books for Class 10

We have provided all the information about NCERT books for Class 10 and the links to download them. CBSE books for Class 10 subjects like Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, and Hindi can be used on Embibe. Students can visit Embibe anytime to use the books offered by them.

Besides books, Embibe offers NCERT 3D videos, Embibe Explainers, Embibe Big Books, practice questions, mock tests, NCERT Solutions, and much more. Students who want to increase their exam preparation level must use Embibe for their studies.

Embibe’s AI assistance helps students make a study plan according to their learning skills. Below is the list of NCERT books for all major subjects at Embibe:

1NCERT Books for Class 10 Science
2NCERT Books for Class 10 Maths
3NCERT Books for Class 10 Social Science
4NCERT Books for Class 10 English
5NCERT Books for Class 10 Hindi

NCERT Class 10 Maths Book: All Chapters

Maths is an important subject in Class 10 and students are required to study hard in order to get good scores. The most important step to do so is by going through the NCERT books thoroughly. The chapter-wise links of CBSE Maths Class 10 books 2025 in English and Hindi medium are provided below. Students can refer to this table and have a solid exam preparation.

ChaptersClass 10 Maths Book in EnglishClass 10 Maths Books in Hindi – Ganit
1Real Numberवास्तविक संख्या
2Polynomials बहुपद
3Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables दो चर वाले रैखिक समीकरण युग्म
4Quadratic Equationsद्विघात समीकरण
5Arithmetic Progressions समांतर श्रेढ़िया
7Coordinate Geometry निर्देशांक ज्यामिति
8Introduction to Trigonometry त्रिकोणमिति का परिचय
9Some Applications of Trigonometry त्रिकोणमिति वेफ वुफछ अनुप्रयोग
10Circles वृत्त
12Areas Related to Circle वृत्तों से संबंध्ति क्षेत्रापफल
13Surface Areas and Volumesपृष्ठीय क्षेत्रापफल और आयतन
14Statistics सांख्यिकी
15Probability प्रायिकता

NCERT Class 10 Science Book: All Chapters

To score well in CBSE Class 10 Science exam, students need to be thorough with all the chapters. To do so, students can check out all the NCERT Class 10 Science book chapters below. Students looking for Class 10th CBSE Science 2025 chapter-wise PDFs can access them from the links given below:

ChaptersNCERT Books for Class 10 Science in EnglishNCERT Class 10 Science Books in Hindi – Vigyan
1Chemical Reactions and Equationsरासायनिक अभिक्रियाएं एवं समीकरण
2Acids, Bases and Saltsअम्ल, क्षारक एवं लवण
3Metals and Non-Metalsधातु एवं अधातु
4Carbon and Its Compoundsकार्बन एवं उसके यौगिक
5Periodic Classification Of Elementsतत्वों का आवर्त वर्गीकरण
6Life Processesजैव प्रक्रम
7Control and Coordinationनियंत्रण एवं समन्वय
8How Do Organisms Reproduceजीव जनन कैसे करते हैं?
9Heredity and Evolutionआनुवंशिकता एवं जैव विकास
10Light – Reflection and Refractionप्रकाश – परावर्तन तथा अपवर्तन
11Human Eye and Colorful Worldमानव नेत्र तथा रंगबिरंगा संसार
13Magnetic Effects of Electric Currentविधुत धरा के चुंबकीय प्रभाव
14Sources of Energyऊर्जा के स्रोत
15Our Environmentहमारा पर्यावरण
16Management of Natural Resourcesप्राकृतिक संसाधनों का प्रबंधन

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Book: All Chapters

Class 10 CBSE Social Science has four books – Geography (Contemporary India), Economics (Understanding Economic Development), History (India and the Contemporary World – II), and Civics (Democratic Politics). The links for all these books are provided below and students can access them by clicking on the links:

Geography ChaptersGeography Chapters in Hindi
1st Chapter: Resources and Developmentसंसाधन और विकास
2nd Chapter: Forest and Wildlife Resourcesवन और वन्यजीव संसाधन
3rd Chapter: Water Resourcesजल संसाधन
4th Chapter: Agricultureकृषि
5th Chapter: Minerals and Energy Resourcesखनिज और ऊर्जा संसाधन
6th Chapter: Manufacturing Industries विनिर्माण उद्योग
7th Chapter: Lifelines of National Economyराष्ट्रीय अर्थव्यवस्था की जीवन रेखाएँ
Economics ChaptersEconomics Chapters In Hindi
1st Chapter: Developmentविकास
2nd Chapter: Sectors of the Indian Economyभारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के क्षेत्रक
3rd Chapter: Money and Creditमुद्रा और साख
4th Chapter: Globalisation and the Indian Economy वैश्वीकरण और भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था
5th Chapter: Consumer Rightsउपभोक्ता अधिकार
History ChaptersHistory Chapters in Hindi
1st Chapter: The Rise of Nationalism in Europeयूरोप में राष्ट्रवाद का उदय
2nd Chapter: Nationalism in Indiaभारत में राष्ट्रवाद
3rd Chapter: The Making of a Global Worldभूमंडलीकृत विश्व का बनना
4th Chapter: The Age of Industrialisationऔद्योगिकीकरण का युग
5th Chapter: Print Culture and the Modern World मुद्रण संस्कृति और आधुनिक दुनिया
Civics ChaptersCivics Chapters in Hindi
1st Chapter: Power Sharing सत्ता की साझेदारी
2nd Chapter: Federalismसंघवाद
3rd Chapter: Democracy and Diversity लोकतंत्र और विविधता
4th Chapter: Gender, Religion, and Casteजाति, धर्म और लैंगिक मसले
5th Chapter: Popular Struggles and Movements जन-संघर्ष और आंदोलन
6th Chapter: Political Parties राजनीतिक दल
7th Chapter: Outcomes of Democracy लोकतंत्र के परिणाम
8th Chapter: Challenges to Democracyलोकतंत्र की चुनौतियाँ

NCERT Class 10 English Book: All Chapters

For a complete exam preparation, students need to study all the subjects properly. To do so, students can check out the NCERT books for Class 10 English below. There are several books for Class 10 English which students can access and have a good study session. Students can check the chapter-wise links for them below:

First Flight for Class 10 Textbook in English (NCERT)
A Letter to God
Nelson Mandela: Long Walk todom
Two Stories about Flying
From the Diary of Anne Frank
The Hundred Dresses–I
The Hundred Dresses–II
Glimpses of India
Mijbil the Otter
Madam Rides the Bus
The Sermon at Benares
The Proposal

NCERT Book for Class 10 English: Footprints Without Feet

Class 10 English Book – Footprints Without Feet (Supplementary Reader)
A Triumph of Surgery
The Thief’s Story
The Midnight Visitor
A Question of Trust
Footprints Without Feet
The Making of a Scientist
The Necklace
The Hack Driver
The Book That Saved the Earth

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Book: All Chapters

There are two major NCERT textbooks for Class 10 Hindi. However, there are two more small course books for Hindi. Students can download the chapter-wise PDFs for Class 10 Hindi from the table below for 2025:

NCERT Hindi Book for Class 10 PDF (Course A): Kshitij-2 (क्षितिज-2)
जयशंकर प्रसाद
सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’
गिरिजा कुमार माथुर
मंगलेश डबराल
स्वयं प्रकाश
रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी
सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना
मन्नू भंडारी
महावीर प्रसाद द्विवेदी
यतीन्द्र मिश्रा
भदंत आनंद कौसल्यायन
NCERT Hindi Book for Class 10 (Course B): Sparsh (स्पर्श)
कबीर – साखी
मीरा – पद
बिहारी – दोहे
मैथिलीशरण गुप्त – मनुष्यता
सुमित्रानंदन पंत – परवत प्रदेश के पावस
महादेवी वर्मा – मधुर मधुर मेरे दीपक जल
वीरेन डंडवाल – तोप
कैफ़ी आज़मी – कर चले हम फ़िदा
रवींद्र नाथ ठाकुर – आत्मत्राण
प्रेमचंद – बड़े भाई साहब
सीताराम सेकसरिया – डायरी का एक पन्ना
लीलाधर मंडलोई – तताँरा वामीरो कथा
प्रह्लाद अग्रवाल – तीसरी कसम के शिल्पकार शैलेंद्र
अन्‍तोन चेखव – गिरगिट
निदा फाजली – अब कहाँ दूसरे के दुख से दुखी होने वाले
रवीन्द्र केलेकर – पतझर में टूटी पत्तियाँ
हबीब तनवीर – कारतूस

Steps To Download NCERT Class 10 Books

NCERT publishes all the Class 10 textbooks on its official website. Students can check and download Class 10th books for any subject from NCERT’s official website. Below, we have provided some easy-to-follow steps to download Class 10 books for any subject from the official website:

  • 1st Step: Go to the official website of NCERT: ncert.nic.in
  • 2nd Step: Search for the ‘Publication’ tab and click on it.
  • 3rd Step: Click on the ‘PDF (I-XII)’ tab from the drop-down menu.
  • 4th Step: Select ‘Class X’ from the ‘Select Class’ drop-down menu.
  • 5th Step: Select the subject from the ‘Select Subject’ drop-down menu.
  • 6th Step: Now, click on the ‘Select Book Title’ from the drop-down menu and click on the ‘Go’ button.
  • 7th Step: On clicking ‘Go’, students can see the chapter-wise Class 10 books PDF of the desired subject.
  • 8th Step: Click on the ‘Download Complete Book’ tab. This way, you can download the complete Class 10 book for the desired subject.

FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 10

Given below are some of the frequently asked questions on NCERT books for Class 10:

Q. Where can students find NCERT books for Class 10?

Ans: Students can find the NCERT books for Class 10 online from the official website. Apart from the official website, students can refer to Embibe.

Q. Which books are best for Class 10 Computer Science?

Ans: The best books for CBSE Class 10 Computer Science are listed below:
– Information and Computer Technology
– Computer Applications: A Textbook for CBSE Class 10

Q. What are the benefits of referring to the NCERT books for Class 10?

Ans: NCERT books enable students to better understand important concepts. The books help to cover the complete syllabus on time and also help in focusing on revision prior to the exam.

Q. Why should students prefer NCERT books for Class 10 board exams?

Ans: NCERT books are among the best and most reliable study materials for Class 10 board exams and use simple language to clarify all the concepts. NCERT books have various in-text questions that help students better understand the concepts.

Q. Are NCERT Solutions books for Class 10 available on Embibe?

Ans: Yes, the NCERT Solutions books for Class 10 are available on Embibe.

We hope you found this article helpful. For more informative articles, stay tuned on Embibe.

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