• Written By Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified 15-02-2025

NCERT Books for Class 9 2025: Download PDF


NCERT Books for Class 9 2024-25: The NCERT curriculum is prescribed by CBSE and many state education boards. Thus, the NCERT books are important to pass the final exam. They are also used to prepare for many competitive exams. The Class 9 NCERT books contain the most recent and updated syllabus. Students can score excellent marks in their final exam by studying from the NCERT books.

In this article, we have provided subject-wise NCERT books for Class 9 2025-26. Students can download them from the tables and start studying them. Students can also refer to Embibe 3D videos, reference books, and school textbooks to understand the concepts easily. They can also solve sample questions and take mock tests for CBSE Class 9 subjects on Embibe. Continue reading to know more.

NCERT Books for Class 9 2025-26: Subject-wise

The NCERT books are designed to help students grasp and understand the concepts. This section discusses the NCERT books subject-wise. Students appearing in CBSE or respective state board exams must follow the NCERT books as a reference to prepare for the exams systematically.

Embibe provides all the necessary books to prepare for the exam for the students. They can refer to the board-prescribed books and reference books available on the app. Students can also strengthen their basics by referring to 3D videos and explainers available on Embibe. Also, they can practice their concepts via the questions available and even test their understanding in the test section.

NCERT Class 9 Mathematics Books

Embibe provides reference books to study the NCERT syllabus for Class 9 subjects. Students can study all topics effectively as these are explained in the form of 3D videos in these books:

NCERT Class 9 Books for Mathematics With Videos & Solutions
MATHEMATICS Textbook for Class IX Embibe Big Book for Mathematics for Delhi Board Class 9 Mathematics Class 9

Students can also find links to download the NCERT Class 9 Maths Book PDF in Hindi and English tabulated below. They can click on these links and download the books in PDF format:

Sr. No.NCERT Class 9 Maths Book Name
1NCERT Books for CBSE Class 9 Mathematics Book
2NCERT Books for CBSE Class 9 Ganit Book

NCERT Class 9 Books for Science

The most effective way of learning and understanding Science is by watching the concepts practically. Embibe teaches the chapter topics through 3D videos. Thus, students can grasp a concept fairly quickly with the help of graphical representation. Students can watch the chapter topics for any NCERT Class 9 Science chapter topic from the links given below:

NCERT Class 9 Books for Science With Videos & Solutions

The Class 9 Science books will introduce students to concepts regarding how the chemical, physical and biological concepts of the world. Students can download the NCERT books for Class 9 Science from the table below:

Sr. No.NCERT Class 9 Science Book Name
1NCERT Class 9 Science Books in English
2NCERT Class 9 Science Books in Hindi

NCERT Social Science Books for Class 9

Social Science is a crucial subject comprising lengthy chapters. Therefore, students must study using interactive books that help them remember various facts and fundamental concepts from each book. Thus, to make it easier to cover the syllabus and assist students in learning the topics, students can study the following books and 3D videos explanations available at Embibe:

NCERT Class 9 Books for Social Science With Videos & Solutions
Social and Political Life – 3 (Social Science) Resources and Development (Geography) Embibe Big Book for Social Science for Class 9

In NCERT Class 9 Social Science, students will study History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics. The syllabus is divided into 4 books for each subject. Students need to study all 4 subjects to pass the final exam. In the table below, we have given direct links to NCERT Class 9 Social Science books in English and Hindi.

Sr. No.Download NCERT Books for Grade 9 Social Science
1CBSE Class 9 Democratic Politics Book (English)
2CBSE Class 9 Loktantrik Rajniti Book (Hindi)
3CBSE Class 9 India and Contemporary Book (English)
4CBSE Class 9 Samkalin Bharat Book (Hindi)
5CBSE Class 9 Economics Book (English)
6CBSE Class 9 Arthashastra Book (Hindi)
7CBSE Class 9 Contemporary India Book (English)
8CBSE Class 9 Bharat Aur Samkalin Vishav Book (Hindi)

Attempt NCERT Class 9 Mock Tests 2025

Students should check their exam preparation by attempting mock tests. It will help them know their strengths and weaknesses and help them improve further. The table below provides direct links to take mock tests for NCERT Class 9 subjects on the Embibe app.

Students will receive detailed feedback on their performance on submitting a test. Refer to the following table to access the mock tests:

Sr NoTake NCERT Class 9 Mock Tests
1Attempt NCERT Class 9 Maths Mock Test
2Attempt NCERT Class 9 Social Science Mock Test
3Attempt NCERT Class 9 Science Mock Test

FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 9 Exam 2024-25

Below are some frequently asked questions on NCERT books for Class 9 2024-25:

Q: Where can I get NCERT Class 9 textbooks?

Ans: We have provided all the NCERT Class 9 books on this page. Students can start learning the concepts on Embibe.

Q: How many chapters are there in CBSE Class 9 Maths?

Ans: There are a total of 15 chapters in CBSE Class 9 Maths.

Q: Where can I get practice questions for CBSE Class 9 subjects?

Ans: Students can obtain practice questions for CBSE Class 9 subjects on the Embibe app.

Q: From where do I get the NCERT Solutions for Class 9?

Ans: Students can get the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 from Embibe.

Q: Can I take mock tests for NCERT Class 9 syllabus on Embibe?

Ans: Yes. Students can take mock tests on NCERT Class 9 syllabus on the Embibe app.

We hope this article on NCERT books for Class 9 helps you effectively prepare for your final exams. Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest CBSE Class 9 exams 2025 updates.

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