CBSE Class 11

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  • Written by gnanambigai
  • Last Modified on 17-03-2025
  • Written by gnanambigai
  • Last Modified on 17-03-2025

CBSE Class 11 Exam 2025

About Exam

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class 11 is the first year of higher secondary education in India. The syllabus for this class is designed to lay a strong foundation for the students’ future academic pursuits. The subjects offered in CBSE Class 11 include Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Political Science, History, Geography, and languages such as Hindi, English, and Sanskrit.

The CBSE Board aims to test students on various skills that help them build self-concept, sense of courage, aesthetic awareness, and integrity learnt during their school year. CBSE Class 11 is an important phase in a student’s academic journey as the performance in this class sets the tone for the future. A strong performance in this class opens up various opportunities for higher education and career growth.


CBSE Class 11 Exam Summary 2025

Class 11 is one of the toughest academic years. For the first time, students face an elaborate curriculum with complex topics. Many students are initially overwhelmed by the vastness of the syllabus. Students must study their CBSE Class 11 books thoroughly and gain conceptual understanding. This will fetch them good marks not just in their board exams but the competitive exams as well. In this article, we have provided a handful of CBSE Class 11 preparation tips.

Students should begin with Class 11 NCERTs to strengthen their conceptual base and then move on to study from reference books. Even practicing from the previous years’ question papers in Class 11 is helpful as students can see which questions are repeated and recognise important topics.

CBSE Official Website Link

CBSE Class 11 Exam Pattern 2025


Knowing the CBSE Class 11 exam pattern can be quite useful for the students. It paves an important role in helping the students understand which chapter carries how many marks each question carries. It will also help the students understand the high scoring units/chapters. Given below is the detailed Class 11 CBSE exam pattern:

Subject Name Exam Pattern Types of Questions
Biology Theory Paper- 70 MarksPractical Paper- 30 Marks MCQ, Short & Long Answer Type Questions
Physics Theory Paper- 70 MarksPractical Paper- 30 Marks MCQ, Short & Long Answer Type Questions
Chemistry Theory Paper- 70 MarksPractical Paper- 30 Marks MCQ, Short & Long Answer Type Questions
Mathematics Theory Paper- 100 Marks MCQ, Short and Long Answer Type Questions
Hindi Theory Paper- 100 Marks Part-I (50 Marks) Questions from Poetry, Prose, and PassagePart-II (50 Marks) Sanskrit Grammar and TranslationMCQ, Short and Long Answer Type Questions
English Theory Paper- 100 Marks Section-A (50 Marks) Prose, Poetry, Play, Short Stories, Figure of SpeechSection-B (50 Marks) Translation, Vocabulary, General EnglishMCQ, Short and Long Answer Type Questions

CBSE Class 11 Syllabus 2025

Exam Pattern

The CBSE Class 11 syllabus plays a crucial role in a student’s academic journey as it lays the foundation for their future academic pursuits. The subjects offered in this class provide students with a strong base for advanced concepts that will be taught in higher classes. The evaluation process, including internal assessments and final exams, helps students develop critical thinking skills and prepares them for their future careers.

CBSE Class 11 Physics Syllabus

Physics is one of the most interesting subjects for CBSE Class 11. Students appearing for CBSE Class 11 Physics exam must prepare for the exam properly as it will help them in the long run especially for their board exam preparation and for competitive exams as well. Refer to the table below for CBSE Class 11 Physics syllabus:

Chapter Name Topics
Physical World Scope of Physics
Understanding Physics
Nature of Physical Laws
Fundamental Forces of Nature
Units and Measurements Errors in Measurement
Measurement of Length
Dimensional Formulae Equations
Motion in a Straight Line Kinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated Motion
Path Length and Displacement
Motion in a Plane Projectile Motion
Position Vector
Velocity and Acceleration
Uniform Circular Motion
Laws of Motion Force
Friction Circular Motion Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion
Work, Energy and Power Work and Power
Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion Angular Momentum in Case of Rotation about a Fixed Axis
Theorems of Perpendicular and Parallel Axes
Gravitation Universal Law of Gravitation
Kepler’s Law
Earth Satellites
Acceleration Due to Gravity of the Earth
Mechanical Properties of Solids Elastic Behaviour of Solids
Hooke’s Law Modulus of Elasticity
Stress and Strain Curve
Mechanical Properties of Fluids Surface Tension
Bernoulli’s Principle and its Applications
Pascal’s Law
Stokes Law
Thermal Properties of Matter Conduction
Specific Heat Capacity and Molar Heat Capacity
Thermodynamics Thermal Equilibrium
First Law of Thermodynamics
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Kinetic Theory Specific Heat Capacity of Gases
Molecular Nature of Matter
Kinetic Theory of an Ideal Gas
Oscillations Simple Harmonic Motion Uniform Circular Motion
Oscillations of a Spring
Waves Standing Waves
Transverse and Longitudinal waves
Speed of a Travelling Wave
Doppler Effect in sound

CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus

Biology requires students to have complete understanding of all the chapters and topics to prepare for the exams. By following the syllabus, students will be able to prepare themselves for higher classes. It will also help students understand which diagrams they must be following. Refer to the table below for CBSE Class 11 Biology syllabus:

Chapter Name Topics
The Living World Characteristics of Living Organisms
Diversity in the Living World
Taxonomic Categories of Organisms
Biological Classification Introduction to Biological Classification
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Protista
Plant Kingdom Algae
Introduction to Plant Kingdom
Division Pteridophyta
Animal Kingdom Basis of Classification of Animals
Classification of Animals
Morphology of Flowering Plants The Fruit
The Flower
Semi-Technical Description of a Flowering Plant
The Stem
The Leaf
Anatomy of Flowering Plants Plant Tissue System
Anatomy of Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous Plants
Plant Tissues
Structural Organisation in Animals Cockroach- Morphology and AnatomyAnimal Tissues
Cell: The Unit of Life Cell Theory
The Cell- An overview
Prokaryotic Cell
Cell – The Unit of Life
Eukaryotic Cell
Biomolecules Bond Linking Monomers in Polymers
Concepts of Metabolism for Living
Analysing Chemical composition
Cell Cycle and Cell Division Cell Cycle, Meiosis, and Mitosis
Transport in Plants Long Distance Transport of Water
Means of Transport in Plants
Plant Water Relations
Mineral Nutrition Mechanism of Absorption of Elements
Metabolism of Nitrogen
Essential Mineral Nutrients
Soil as Reservoir of Essential Elements
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Photosynthesis as Means of Autotrophic Nutrition
Sites of Photosynthesis
Respiration in Plants Respiratory Balance Sheet
Amphibolic Pathway
Aerobic Respiration
Plant Growth and Development Photoperiodism
Development in Plants
Plant Growth
Plant Growth Regulators
Digestion and Absorption Digestion of Food in Humans
Disorders of Human Digestive System
The Human Digestive System
Breathing and Exchange of Gases Disorders of Respiratory System
Exchange of Gases
Regulation of Respiration
Transport of Gases
Body Fluids and Circulation Double Circulation
Regulation of Cardiac Activity
Disorders of Human Circulatory System
Excretory Products and Their Elimination Accessory Excretory Organs
Human Excretory System
Regulation of Kidney Functions

CBSE Class 11 Mathematics Syllabus

The CBSE Class 11 Mathematics syllabus aims at helping students clarify their basics so that they can prepare for the higher studies as well. By following the Class 11 CBSE Maths syllabus, students also get to strengthen their base for higher studies. Refer to the table below to get the CBSE Class 11 Maths syllabus:

Chapter Name Topics
Sets Practical Problems on Union and Intersection of Two Sets
Subsets, Sets and Their Representations
Types of Sets
Complement of a Set
Operations on Sets
Difference of Sets
Venn Diagrams
Relations and Functions RelationsFunctions
Cartesian Products of Sets
Domain and Range of Functions
Algebra of Real Functions
Special Functions and Their Graphs
Logarithmic Function and its Properties
Trigonometric Functions Trigonometric Equations
Introduction to Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Functions of Sum and Difference of Two Angles
Mathematical Induction The Principle of
Algebra of Complex Numbers
Complex Numbers
The Modulus and the Conjugate of a Complex Number
Argand Plane and Polar Representation
Quadratic Equations Mathematical Induction
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations Algebra of Complex Numbers
Complex Numbers
The Modulus and the Conjugate of a Complex Number
Argand Plane and Polar Representation
Quadratic Equations.
Linear Inequalities Solutions of Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Types of Inequalities
Solutions of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Permutation and Combination Combinations
Fundamental Principle of Counting
Factorial Notation
Permutations when All the Objects are Not Distinct Objects
Permutations when All the Objects are Distinct
Binomial Theorem General and Middle Terms
Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices
Multinomial Theorem
Sequences and Series Arithmetic Progression
Relationship Between Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean
Geometric Progression
Introduction to Sequences and Series
Arithmetic Mean
Sum to n Terms of Special Series
Geometric Mean
Straight Lines Slope of a Line
Distance of a Point From a Line
Various Forms of the Equation of a Line
Conic Sections Hyperbola
Sections of a Cone
Introduction to Three-Dimensional Geometry Distance Formula in 3D
Coordinate Axes and Coordinate Planes in 3D
Section Formula in 3D
Limits and Derivatives Derivatives of Polynomials and Trigonometric Functions
Algebra of Derivative of Functions
Mathematical Reasoning Statements
New Statements from Old
Logical Connectives and Quantifiers

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus

Chemistry is one of the major subjects for CBSE Class 11 that will help students in the preparation of competitive examinations. Students following the CBSE Class 11 Chemistry syllabus must also keep a tab on the experiments they must be practicing from that chapter. The table below has the updated Chemistry syllabus for CBSE Class 11:

Chapter Name Topics
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Properties of Matter and Their Measurement
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
Uncertainty in Measurement
Structure of Atom Atomic Models
Atomic Spectra
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Need for Classifying Elements
Modern Periodic Law Present Form of the Periodic Table
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Ionic or electrovalent bond
Bond Parameters
Valence bond theory
Molecular orbital theory (MOT)
States of Matter The Gas Laws
Kinetic Energy and Molecular Speeds
Ideal Gas Equation
Intermolecular Forces Thermal Energy
Thermodynamics First Law of Thermodynamics
Equilibrium Equilibrium in Physical Processes
Equilibrium in Chemical processes
Ionic Equilibrium in Solution
Redox Reactions Balancing of Redox Reactions
Redox Reactions Electrode Processes
Hydrogen Hydrogen peroxide
The s-Block Elements General Characteristics of Compounds of the Alkaline Earth Metals
General Characteristics of the Compounds of the Alkali Metals
The p-Block Elements Allotropes of Carbon
Group 13 Elements: The Boron Family
Important Trends Anomalous Properties of Boron
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques Fundamental Concepts in Organic Reaction Mechanism
Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds
Hydrocarbons Alkanes
Arenes Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Carcinogenicity and Toxicity

CBSE Class 11 Exam Blueprint 2025

Exam Syllabus

It is important to know the CBSE Class 11 exam blueprint as it introduces students to the marks weightage carried by the subject units. Students are able to prioritise the chapters so that they give extra focus on chapters or units with higher marks. Students are advised not to skip any topic and study sincerely to fetch maximum marks in the exam.

CBSE Class 11 Mathematics Exam Blueprint

Maths can be a very scoring subject. It can considerably improve a student’s overall percentage. Being aware of the CBSE Class 11 Maths exam pattern will help students put suitable focus on each type of question. They can access the CBSE Class 11 Maths exam pattern from the table below:

Sr. No. Unit Name Marks
I. Sets and Functions 23
II. Algebra 25
III. Coordinate Geometry 12
IV. Calculus 8
V. Statistics and Probability 12

CBSE Class 11 Biology Exam Blueprint

The CBSE Class 11 Biology blueprint aims at helping the students understand the exam pattern for Biology. The blueprint contains information on which unit carries how many marks. Students can refer to the table below to find the CBSE Class 11 Biology exam pattern:

Serial No. Unit Name Marks
I Diversity of Living Organisms 15
II Structural Organization in Plants and Animals 10
III Cell: Structure and Function 15
IV Plant Physiology 12
V Human Physiology 18

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Exam Blueprint

Chemistry chapters require proper focus. Therefore, it is important that the students refer to every unit thoroughly. Being familiar with which units carry more marks can be helpful for the students. Students can get the CBSE Class 11 Chemistry exam pattern from the table below:

Serial No. Chapter Names Marks
1 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 7
2 Structure of Atom 9
3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 6
4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 7
5 Chemical Thermodynamics 9
6 Equilibrium 7
7 Redox Reactions 4
8 Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques 11
9 Hydrocarbons 10

CBSE Class 11 Physics Exam Blueprint

In the table below, students can find all the relevant information regarding the CBSE Class 11 Physics exam pattern. It contains all information about the units and marks division across each chapter. This will help students prepare for the exams in a strategic manner.

Unit Chapters Marks
Unit-I Physical World and Measurements 23
  Chapter-2: Units and Measurements
Unit- II Kinematics
  Chapter-3: Motion in a Straight Line
  Chapter-2: Motion in a Plane
Unit-III Laws of Motion
  Chapter-5: Laws of Motion
Unit-IV Work, Energy and Power 17
  Chapter-6:Work, Energy and Power
Unit-V Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
  Chapter-7: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid
Unit-VI Gravitation
  Chapter 8- Gravitation
Unit-VII Properties of Bulk Matter 20
  Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
  Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
  Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter
Unit-VIII Thermodynamics
  Chapter-12: Thermodynamics
Unit-IX Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic
Theory of Gases
  Chapter-13: Kinetic Theory
Unit-X Oscillations and Waves 10
  Chapter-14: Oscillation
  Chapter-15: Waves

CBSE Class 11 Study Plan to Maximise Score

Study Plan to Maximise Score

Class 11 is an important part of students’ academic journey. After Class 10, students opt for subject-specific streams where they gain more in-depth knowledge on the selected topics. To help students build a solid base in the concepts taught in CBSE Class 11, we have provided some important points that students can incorporate in their CBSE 11th study plan.

CBSE Class 11 Preparation Tips 2025

The key to scoring good marks in CBSE Class 11 is to prepare for the exams in a proper manner. Students should ensure that they are following the preparation tips diligently so that they can prepare well and score good marks. In the section below, we have provided some of the best preparation tips for CBSE Class 11:

  • It is important for students to create a well-structured study schedule to stay organized and manage their time effectively. They should allocate equal time to each subject and stick to the schedule to ensure they cover all the topics before the exams.
  • The NCERT textbooks are the primary source of information for CBSE Class 11 exams and provide a strong foundation for students. It is recommended to start with these textbooks to understand the basics and key concepts before moving on to other reference materials.
  • Regular practice is crucial to improve performance in exams. Students should solve sample papers, previous years’ question papers, and practice questions from different sources to get a feel of the exam pattern and increase their speed and accuracy.
  • It is important for students to take comprehensive notes while studying, which will help them in quick revision before exams. Summarizing the important points will also help in retaining the information for a longer time.
  • If students face difficulty in understanding any concept, they should seek help from teachers, seniors, or online resources. Asking questions and clearing doubts will help to strengthen their knowledge.
  • It is essential for students to stay motivated and focused during their preparation. They should set achievable goals, reward themselves for their efforts, and stay positive to keep their morale high.

CBSE Class 11 Detailed Study Plan 2025

A detailed study plan for CBSE Class 11 is given in the section below for each subject. Students must carefully analyse them and prepare for their exam accordingly. In the sections below, we have provided the detailed study plan for CBSE Class 11 for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology to help students prepare for the exams in a systematic manner.


  • It is advisable for students to start their preparation for mathematics by revising all the formulas and theorems learned in Class 10. This will help them to build a strong foundation for the advanced topics in Class 11.
  • Students should read the NCERT textbook thoroughly and make sure they understand the concepts and theories presented in it. They should also practice all the examples given in the textbook to get a good grasp of the subject.
  • Solving exercise questions is an important aspect of mathematics preparation. Students should attempt all the questions in the textbook and seek help from teachers or online resources if they face any difficulties.


  • Students should start by revising the basic concepts and laws of physics learned in Class 10.
  • They should read the NCERT textbook carefully and understand the theories and formulas presented in it.
  • Practicing numerical problems is an important aspect of physics preparation. Students should solve as many numerical problems as possible to improve their problem-solving skills.
  • They should also attend online classes, watch video lectures, and participate in discussions to reinforce their learning.


  • Students should revise the basic concepts of chemistry, including the periodic table, chemical reactions, and chemical bonding.
  • They should thoroughly read the NCERT textbook and understand the theories and formulas presented in it.
  • Practicing chemical reactions and identifying different types of reactions is important in chemistry preparation.
  • Students should also attempt sample papers and previous years’ question papers to get an idea of the exam pattern and improve their time management skills.


  • Students should start by revising the basic concepts of biology, including cell structure, genetics, and ecology.
  • They should read the NCERT textbook carefully and understand the theories and diagrams presented in it.
  • Practicing diagrams and labeling is an important aspect of biology preparation. Students should attempt as many labeling and diagram questions as possible to improve their skills.
  • They should also attend online classes, watch video lectures, and participate in discussions to reinforce their learning and clarify any doubts they may have.

FAQs on CBSE Class 11 Exam

Previous Year Analysis

Q:What is CBSE Class 11 and what are the subjects offered in it?

Ans: CBSE Class 11 is the 11th grade of secondary education in India and it is conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The subjects offered in CBSE Class 11 include: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, History, Geography, Political Science, Physical Education, and more.

Q: What is the syllabus of CBSE Class 11 and where can I find it?

Ans: The syllabus of CBSE Class 11 is available on the official website of CBSE. Students can find the latest syllabus, as well as sample papers and study materials on the Embibe.

Q: How important is CBSE Class 11 for my future studies?

Ans: CBSE Class 11 lays the foundation for higher education and future studies. Student’s performance in CBSE Class 11 can impact the admission to colleges and universities, and can also determine the career path they take in the future.

Q: Are there any additional resources available for CBSE Class 11 students?

Ans: Yes, there are many additional resources available for CBSE Class 11 students. You can access study materials, sample papers, question banks, online tutors, and more from Embibe.

Q: Can I appear for CBSE Class 11 exams if I miss a few classes due to illness or other reasons?

Ans: Yes, you can appear for CBSE Class 11 exams even if you miss a few classes. However, it is recommended that you keep up with the coursework and attend additional classes to make up for the missed classes.

List of Educational Institutions for CBSE Class 11

CBSE is one of the most renowned education boards in India. It focuses on the overall growth and development of the students. As a result, the CBSE curriculum is designed to achieve it. To help parents and students choose CBSE schools for Class 11, we have provided list of some of the best CBSE schools. Below are the top 10 CBSE schools of India.

Sl. No. Schools/Colleges Location
1 DAV Sr. Sec. School Mogappair, Chennai
2 DAV Girls Sr. Sec. School Lloyds Road, Chennai
3 DAV Boys Sr. Sec. School Lloyds Road, Chennai
4 Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith Deoghar, Jharkhand
5 Sri Kumaran Children’s Home School Bangalore
6 National Public School Koramangala, Bangalore
7 Chinmaya International Residential School Coimbatore
8 National Public School HSR Layout, Bangalore
9 Delhi Public School Harni, Vadodara
10 The Heritage School Sector 62, Gurgaon

List of Future Exams After CBSE Class 11

After class 11, one will enter life’s major turning point, which is class 12. One should mainly concentrate on their goals and score good marks in their respective streams.

So, here we will provide the detailed coaching for the competitive exams that you need to face after class 12, especially one who wants to become a doctor or an engineer.

After completing CBSE Class 11, students have a variety of exams to choose from based on their interests and career goals. Some of the exams are:

  • CUCET: The Central Universities Common Entrance Test is a national level entrance exam conducted for admission to various UG, PG, and research programs offered by central universities. Students from both science and arts streams can appear for CUCET.
  • JEE Main and Advanced: The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main and Advanced are national level engineering entrance exams conducted for admission to top engineering colleges in India, including the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).
  • NEET: The National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET) is a national level medical entrance exam conducted for admission to undergraduate medical and dental courses in India. It is mandatory for students aspiring to become doctors to appear for NEET.

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