NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths
Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths: Chapter 10 of CBSE Class 8th NCERT Book is Visualising Solid Shapes. In this chapter, students get to learn how to recognise 2D and 3D objects and identify different shapes in nested objects. It also teaches them about maps and how maps are different from pictures, how symbols are used to depict the different objects/ places and scales fixed for particular maps.
Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths is based on ‘Mapping Space Around Us’. The exercise has questions on colouring and drawing different maps as asked by making use of proper scale and symbols for different objects and features. This post brings to you the step by step solutions to all the questions of Class 8 Maths Chapter 10 Exercise 10.2. The PDF for Ex 10.2 Class 8 is also provided to the students that can be accessed offline. Read on to know more about Class 8 Math Exercise 10.2, find its solutions and learn how to ‘map the space around us’.
NCERT Solutions for Visualising Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths: Overview
In the NCERT Solutions for Visualising Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths, you will find detailed solutions to all the questions of the exercise. The solutions for Ex 10.2 Class 8 are prepared by experienced subject matter experts who have utilised their experience to develop such easy-to-understand solutions for you. Before getting to the detailed NCERT solutions, let us have an overview of NCERT Solutions for Visualising Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths.
NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths: Download PDF
To learn the topic, ‘Mapping Space Around Us’, the students should solve all the questions asked in the Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths. Solving multiple questions on a topic helps you understand it better and also enables you to solve all types of questions that can be asked in your class tests orCBSE Class 8th final exams. If you face any challenges while attempting the questions of Ex 10.2 Class 8, you can refer to the PDF NCERT Solutions provided by embibe and solve them with ease.
Students can download the PDF for NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths to access the answers offline. The PDF for Ex 10.2 Class 8 NCERT Solutions will not only help you solve the questions from the exercise but also come in handy for the last-minute revision of the topic. Find the PDF for NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths below:
Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Math
The brilliant subject matter experts at Embibe, who have years of experience in this area, have prepared the NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Ex 10.2 Class 8. The detailed solutions provided in the NCERT Solutions pdf will help the students with any problems they may come across while attempting Class 8 Math Exercise 10.2 on the topic ‘Mapping Space Around Us’. The major benefits of NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Ex 10.2 Class 8 are provided below:
The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths are aligned with the latest guidelines of the CBSE board.
The solutions for NCERT Class 8th Mathematics Exercises have been prepared by the subject matter experts who have a deep understanding of all mathematics concepts for Class 8th. They also have a significant amount of work experience in this field, which makes it easier for them to understand what is best for the students.
The solutions to the questions of Class 8 Maths Chapter 10 Exercise 10.2 have been explained in as much detail as possible to help the students understand them easily.
The weightage of the chapters provided in the NCERT solutions helps the students to understand the significance of a particular topic from the point of view of examination.
Students can carry the NCERT Solutions for as many exercises as they want on their phones or laptops without having to worry about carrying heavy books or notebooks everywhere they go.
These NCERT Solution PDFs are available absolutely of cost for all the exercises of all the NCERT Chapters on Embibe.
Students preparing for competitive exams like NEET, JEE Main, BITSAT, etc., can also get help from these solutions while completing the NCERT books of the subjects asked in the exams.
About Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths
Class 8 Math Exercise 10.2 is based on the topic ‘Mapping Space Around Us’ in the chapter ‘Visualising Solid Space’. After having solved the questions of the Ex 10.2 Class 8, you will be able to answer the following questions:
How do we read maps?
What can we conclude and understand while reading a map?
What information does a map have and what it does not have?
Is it any different from a picture?
Difference between a map and a picture:
Perspective is very important for drawing a picture, but it is not relevant for a map.
When we draw a picture, we attempt to represent reality as it is seen with all its details, whereas a map depicts only the location of an object in relation to other objects.
Different persons can give descriptions of pictures completely different from one another, depending upon the position from which they are looking at the house. But, this is not true in the case of a map. A map remains the same irrespective of the position of the observer.
Using symbols and scales for drawing maps:
Using certain symbols and mentioning distances helps us read the map easily. The distances shown on the map should be proportional to the actual distances on the ground. This can be done by considering a proper scale.
While drawing (or reading) a map, one must know to what scale it has to be drawn (or has been drawn), i.e., how much of the actual distance is denoted by 1mm or 1cm in the map. For example, 1cm of space in that map can depict a certain fixed distance of 1 km or 10 km, which may vary from map to map but not within a map.
FAQs About NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths
Here are the most frequently asked questions about NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths:
Q.1: Where can I find NCERT Solutions for Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths?
Ans: NCERT Solutions for Ex 10.2 Class 8 have been provided under this post by embibe. Students can also find the direct links to download the PDF of NCERT solutions that can be accessed offline as well.
Q.2: I need solutions for all the questions of Ex 10.2 Class 8. Where can I find the solutions?
Ans: The detailed solutions for all the questions of Ex 10.2 Class 8 are provided in this article. Students can also download the PDF file to access the solutions offline.
Q.3: Are NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths sufficient to prepare for CBSE Class 8th exams?
Ans: Yes, NCERT Solutions for Class Maths provided by Embibe are sufficient to prepare for CBSE Class 8th exams. Each and every exercise of all the chapters have been covered exhaustively in these NCERT Solutions for Class 8th.
Q.4: Is it possible to score full marks in CBSE Class 8 Maths exam by reading just NCERT solutions?
Ans: Yes, if you practice all the questions provided in Embibe’s NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths, you can score full marks in CBSE Class 8 Maths exam.
Q.5: Where can I find the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Math Exercise 10.2 and other exercises?
Ans: You can find NCERT solutions for Class 8 Math Exercise 10.2 and all the other exercises at Embibe.
Q.6: How will NCERT Solutions for Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths help me score good marks in the CBSE Class 8th exams?
Ans: Students can score good marks in their final exams by practicing a good number of questions on each topic after going through the fundamental concepts and important formulas. Solving multiple questions on a topic not only helps them understand the concept better but also familiarises them with different types of questions that can be asked in the exam.
We hope this article on NCERT Solutions for Visualizing Solid Shapes Exercise 10.2 Class 8 Maths was helpful to you. If you have any queries regarding your CBSE Class 8th exam preparations of NCERT questions, do reach out to us. You can drop us a mail or post your questions in the comment section below. We will be glad to help you.
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