• Written By Monica_Kumari
  • Last Modified 10-03-2025

NDA Syllabus 2025: Check Subject-Wise Important Topics


NDA Syllabus 2025: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has prescribed the National Defence Academy (NDA) syllabus through its official notification. The official announcement to hire various worthy applicants into the Defence Forces. However, the interested aspirants must satisfy the eligibility criteria and appear for all selection rounds to be selected for the advertised posts. The syllabus includes two papers: Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT). Candidates willing to attempt the written test must first thoroughly understand the latest syllabus and exam format.

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This will help candidates to know the important exam topics. The NDA 1 2025 exam will conducted on 13 April, 2025, while the NDA 2 exam will be held on 14 September, 2025. The selection will be through a written exam and an SSB test/Interview. Read this article to know the detailed syllabus.

Detailed NDA Syllabus 2025

The UPSC has mentioned the latest syllabus in the NDA Notification 2025. The written exam consists of two papers, as given below:

  • Paper 1: Mathematics
  • Paper 2: General Ability Test (Part A: English and Part B: General Knowledge)

The GAT paper is worth 600 marks in the syllabus, while the Mathematics section carries 300 marks. Before getting into further details, let us have an overview of the UPSC NDA 2025 exam from the below table:

Name of the ExamNational Defence Academy (NDA)
Frequency of ExamTwice a Year (April & September)
Selection Process– Written Test Consisting of Objective Type Questions
– Intelligence & Personality Test (SSB)
Mode of ExamOffline
Papers in NDA Exam– Mathematics
– General Ability Test
Marks Segregation– Mathematics: 300 Marks
– GAT: 600 Marks
Total No. of Questions– Mathematics: 120
– GAT: 150
Total Exam Duration5 Hours
Language of Question PaperEnglish & Hindi

NDA Mathematics Exam Pattern

The NDA syllabus for Paper 1 includes Mathematics topics and subtopics. This section evaluates a candidate’s ability to solve mathematical problems using formulas, theorems, and so on. This paper contains 120 questions from Classes 10, 11, and 12. Candidates can check the exam pattern for Paper 1 from the below table:

NDA Mathematics Exam Pattern
Total Marks 300 Marks
Total No. of Questions 120
Marks Awarded for Correct Answer 2.5 marks
Marks Deducted for the Wrong Answer -0.83
Exam Duration 2.5 Hours

Steps to Practice Unlimited UPSC NDA & NA Questions

Access the unlimited NDA & NA questions from Embibe and improve the preparation level. Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to take the practice tests:

  • 1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e., embibe.com.
  • 2nd Step: Use the mobile number/email to log in.
  • 3rd Step: Click on the menu bar “Getting into my dream undergraduate college” 
  • 4th Step: Select the Goal “Defence – NDA” from the Dropdown and click “Next”.
  • 5th Step: Search and Select “NDA & NA EE” on the search bar and click “Next”.
  • 6th Step: Select the preferred language and click on “Done”.
  • 7th Step: Click “Practice” from the Header Section.
  • 8th Step: Scroll down to the “Subjects” section.
  • 9th Step: Click on any NDA & NA EE subjects.
  • 10th Step: Scroll down to click on the chapters from the selected subject to begin the practice.

NDA Syllabus for Paper 1: Mathematics

Candidates must understand the fundamental concepts of Mathematics to complete the NDA Maths Syllabus 2025. They can check out the detailed Mathematics syllabus below.

NDA Mathematics Algebra

Check the Algebra syllabus below:

Algebra Syllabus
Concept of Sets Operations on Sets
Venn diagrams De Morgan laws
Cartesian product Relation
Equivalence relation Representation of real numbers on a line
Complex numbers—basic properties, modulus, argument, cube roots of unity Binary system of numbers
Conversion of a number in decimal system to binary system and vice-versa Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic progressions
Quadratic equations with real coefficients Solution of linear inequations of two variables by graphs
Permutation and Combination Binomial theorem and its applications
Logarithms and their applications

Matrices And Determinants

The syllabus for the Matrices And Determinants is given in the table below:

Matrices And Determinants Syllabus
Types of matrices Operations on matrices
Determinant of a matrix Basic properties of determinants
Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix Applications-Solution of a system of linear equations in two or three unknowns by Cramer’s Cramer’s by Matrix Method.


Candidates can check the NDA Mathematics Trigonometry syllabus below:

Trigonometry Syllabus
Angles and their measures in degrees and in radians Trigonometrical ratios
Trigonometric identities – Sum and difference formulae Inverse trigonometric functions
Multiple and Sub-multiple angles Applications-Height and distance, properties of triangles.

Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions

The syllabus for Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions is given below:

Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions Syllabus
Rectangular Cartesian Coordinate system Distance formula
Equation of a line in various forms Angle between two lines
Distance of a point from a line Equation of a circle in standard and general form
Standard forms of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola Eccentricity and axis of a conic
Point in a three-dimensional space, the distance between two points Direction Cosines and direction ratios
Equation two points Direction Cosines and direction ratios
Equation of a plane and a line in various forms Angle between two lines and angle between two planes
Equation of a sphere

Differential Calculus

The syllabus for Differential Calculus has been provided in the table below:

Differential Calculus Syllabus
Concept of a real-valued function–domain, range, and graph of a function Composite functions, one-to-one, onto, and inverse functions
Notion of limit, Standard limits—examples Continuity of functions—examples
Algebraic operations on continuous functions Derivative of function at a point
Geometrical and physical interpretation of a derivative—applications Derivatives of sum, product and quotient of functions
Derivative of a function with respect to another function Derivative of a composite function
Second-order derivatives Increasing and decreasing functions
Application of derivatives in problems of maxima and minima.

Integral Calculus and Differential Calculus

The syllabus for Integral Calculus and Differential Calculus is provided below:

Integral Calculus and Differential Calculus Syllabus
Integration as inverse of differentiation Integration by substitution and by parts
standard integrals involving algebraic expressions, trigonometric, exponential and hyperbolic functions Evaluation of definite integrals—determination of areas of plane regions bounded by curves—applications
Definition of order and degree of a differential equation Formation of a differential equation by examples
General and particular solutions of differential equations Solution of first-order and first-degree differential equations of various types—examples
Application in problems of growth and decay

Vector Algebra

Check the Vector Algebra syllabus for NDA Paper 1 in the table below:

Vector Algebra Syllabus
Vectors in two and three dimensions Magnitude and direction of a vector
Unit and null vectors Addition of vectors
Scalar multiplication of a vector Scalar product or dot product of two vectors
Vector product or cross product of two vectors Applications—work done by a force and moment of a force and in geometrical problems.


Candidates can find the syllabus for Statistics below:

Statistics Syllabus
Classification of data Frequency distribution, cumulative frequency distribution—examples
Graphical representation—Histogram, Pie Chart, frequency polygon— examples Measures of Central tendency—Mean, median and mode
Variance and standard deviation—determination and comparison Correlation and Regression


Check the syllabus for NDA Mathematics Probability syllabus below:

Probability Syllabus
Random experiment, outcomes and associated sample space, events, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events, impossible and certain events Conditional probability
Union and Intersection of events. Complementary, elementary and composite events Bayes’s simple problems
Definition of probability—classical and statistical—examples Random variable as function on a sample space
Elementary theorems on probability—simple problems Binomial distribution, examples of random experiments giving rise to Binominal distribution.

NDA General Ability Test Exam Pattern

The General Ability Test (GAT) is the next paper in the written exam. It aims to test an aspirant’s basic knowledge of General Knowledge (GK), History, Geography, General Science, and Current Events. Check out the detailed exam pattern for Paper 2 from the below table:

NDA General Ability Test Pattern
Total Marks 600
Total No. of Questions 150
No. of Questions in English Section 50
No. of Questions in General Knowledge Section 100
Maximum Marks for English 200
Maximum Marks for G.K. 400
Marks for Correct Answer 4
Marks for Incorrect Answer -1.33
Exam Duration 2.5 Hours

NDA Syllabus for Paper 2: General Ability Test

Candidates must have a basic understanding of English, Environmental Studies, and Science and Technology subjects that are addressed in the NDA GAT Syllabus. Check out the topics included in the GAT 2025 syllabus from the table mentioned below:

English LanguageComprehension
Fill in the blanks
Complete the sentences
Idioms and phrases
Synonyms and antonyms
Active and passive voice
Finding errors
HistoryIndian History: Culture and Civilisation
Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, National Integration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi
Indiadom struggle
Panchayati Raj, Co-operatives, and Community Development
French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, and Russian Revolution
Impact of Science and Technology on Society
Concept of one World, United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy, Socialism, and Communism
Forces Shaping the modern world; Renaissance, Exploration, and Discovery
GeographyLandforms of India
Movements of Earth and their effects
Layers of earth
Type of soils
Climate and Atmosphere
Cyclones and Anticyclones
Solar system and universe
Rocks and their classification
PhysicsNatural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet
Spherical mirrors and Lenses, Human Eye
Density and Specific Gravity, Principle of Archimedes, Pressure Barometer
Rectilinear propagation of Light, Reflection and refraction
Static and Current Electricity, conductors and Non-conductors,
Physical Properties and States of Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume,
Heat, Measurement of Temperature and Heat, change of State and Latent Heat, Modes of transference of Heat
Ohm’s Law, Electrical Circuits, Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current, Measurement of Electrical Power, Primary and Secondary Cells, and Use of X-Rays.
Equilibrium of objects
Laws of Motion
Work, power, and energy
ChemistryMixtures and Compounds, Symbols, Formulae and simple Chemical Equations, Law of Chemical Combination
Properties of Air and Water
Fertilizers— Natural and Artificial
The material used in the preparation of substances like Soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches and Gun-Powder
Elementary ideas about the structure of Atoms, Atomic Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Valency
Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen
General ScienceBiotic and Abiotic components
Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals
Achievements of Eminent Scientists
Common Epidemics, their causes and Prevention
Basis of Life—Cells, Proto-plasma, and Tissues
Current EventsKnowledge of Important events that have happened in India in recent years.
Current important world events.
Prominent personalities—both Indian and International, including those connected with cultural activities and sports.

NDA Interview and Personality Test

The SSB procedure is divided into two stages. Only those who pass the written exam can participate in the SSB round. The following are details of the SSB exam:

  • Stage 1 comprises Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests, Picture Perception, and Description Tests (PP&DT). The candidates will be shortlisted based on their overall performance in OIR Test and PP&DT.
  • Stage 2 comprises an Interview, Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests, and the Conference. These tests are conducted for 4 days.

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FAQs on UPSC NDA Syllabus 2025

Here, we have enlisted some frequently asked questions about the UPSC NDA syllabus 2025:

Q: Will the NDA syllabus get revamped this year?

A: No. The Union Public Service Commission has not revamped the NDA syllabus this year. Any further changes will be informed on the portal.

Q: How many papers are there in the NDA 1 2025 exam?

A: The NDA 1 2025 syllabus is divided into two papers, 1 (Mathematics) and 2 (General Ability).

Q: Where can I get the NDA Syllabus PDF?

A: Candidates can download the NDA Syllabus PDF from the official website – upsc.gov.in. Moreover, the detailed syllabus is provided on this page. Candidates can bookmark this page for reference.

Q: What are the topics in the NDA Maths Syllabus?

A: Topics that will be covered in the NDA Mathematics syllabus are – Algebra, Matrices, and Determinants, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry Of Two and Three Dimensions, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Differential Equations, Vector Algebra, and Statistics and Probability.

Q: What will be the language of the NDA exam question paper?

A: The question paper for the NDA exam will be available in Hindi and English language. Candidates can choose between those two languages while writing the solutions on the answer sheet.

We hope this article on NDA Syllabus 2025 has provided you with sufficient information on the syllabus. In case of any queries regarding the exam, feel to check our app. 

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