• Written By Aswin_B_nath
  • Last Modified 20-01-2025

NIACL Assistant Exam Date 2025: Date To Be Out @newindia.co.in


NIACL Assistant Exam Date 2025: The New India Assurance Company Limited released the NIACL Assistant Exam Dates 2025 for Prelims and Mains examination on its official website. The direct link to access the NIACL Assistant Exam Schedule will be given below on this page. Candidates will have to clear two stages to secure the post of Assistant in NIACL – Prelims and Mains examinations. Candidates are advised to visit the official portal regularly so they don’t miss any latest updates regarding their respective examinations. Scroll down to read more on NIACL Assistant Exam Date 2025!

NIACL Recruitment:

NIACL is owned by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. It is the largest government-owned general insurance company of India, according by the gross premium collection. Founded by Sir Dorabji Tata in 1919, NIACL was nationalised in 1973. Previously, it was a subsidiary of the General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC). But when GIC became a re-insurance company after the passage of the IRDA Act 1999, NAICL became an autonomous organisation. Now that we have mentioned the dates of some of the significant events in NIACL’s history, let’s take a look at what are some of the important dates in the NIACL Assistant 2025 recruitment process. As the NIACL 2025 notification is yet to be released, we have only a rough estimate of the dates. The exact dates will be updated here as soon as they are announced by NIACL.

NIACL Recruitment 2025: Important Dates

NIACL Assistant Recruitment 2025 schedule:

NIACL Assistant Notification Release Date16th December 2024
NIACL Assistant Apply Online Begins17th December 2024
Last Date to Submit Application Form1st January 2025
NIACL Assistant Pre-Examination Training16th to 20th January 2025
NIACL Assistant Admit Card 202516th January 2025
NIACL Assistant Tier I Preliminary Exam Date27th January 2025 (Monday)
NIACL Assistant Tier II Main Exam Date2nd March 2025 (Sunday)

NIACL Recruitment 2025: Application Dates

The NIACL application form was started on 17th December 2024. You can apply for the exam only in the online mode. The online application form was available on the NIACL official website – www.newindia.co.in till 1st January 2025. Candidates must check if they fulfil the eligibility criteria before they apply for the NIACL Assistant post by following the steps mentioned in the NIACL Assistant 2025 notification. Any Indian citizen who is a graduate in any discipline and is between 18 to 30 years of age can apply for the NIACL Assistant vacancies. Candidates are also advised to check other important details such as NIACL Assistant salary and job responsibilities before registering themselves for the NIACL Assistant Exam 2025.

Candidates must apply early on in the application process to avoid any loading delays or server issues on the official website due to heavy traffic towards the closing date. A printout of the application form must be taken for the candidate’s reference before the application window closes. This document may come in handy in the future in case of any unexpected issues. These issues can be anything from a broken admit card link to an absence of the candidate’s name in the list at the exam venue due to errors in the software. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, candidates must proactively gather information about the prerequisite documents and other materials required for the application while they are anticipating the announcement of the application process. So, candidates are able to readily possess these documents and other materials at the time of registration.

NIACL Assistant Admit Card Release Date 2025

NIACL authorities released the NIACL Assistant Admit Card on 16th January 202 for the NIACL Assistant Exam 2025. NIACL Assistant Prelims admit cards will be released for all the candidates who have successfully registered for the examination. Admit cards are released online on the official website of NIACL. Candidates need to download the admit cards within the given timeframe before the download link is deactivated. Candidates have to log in with their Registration Number / Roll Number that was given to them upon successfully submitting the application and the Password / Date of Birth that they had entered during registration to download the NIACL Assistant Call Letter.

The date of release of the NIACL Assistant Admit Card 2025 on 16th January 2025 announced by the NIACL Authorities. NIACL Assistant Hall Ticket is an extremely important document that the candidates need to carry with them to their designated examination centre. A candidate who appears at the examination venue without the NIACL Assistant Hall Ticket will not be permitted to attend the online examination. Any issue regarding the generation of the NIACL Assistant Hall Ticket must be promptly resolved by contacting the official authorities. The contact details o the exam conducting body of the NIACL Assistant exam are provided below:

  1. Address – New India Assurance Building, 87, M G Road, Fort, Mumbai Maharashtra-400001
  2. Website – www.newindia.co.in
  3. Email – [email protected]
  4. Toll-No. – 1800-209-1415

NIACL Assistant Prelims Exam Date 2025

The common guidelines to be followed by candidates on the day of the exam and the special guidelines included owing to the COVID-19 situation will be mentioned on the NIACL Admit Card. The candidates must go through these instructions carefully and make sure that they follow each and every one of the guidelines on the exam day. Candidates must reach at least 15 minutes before the time mentioned on the admit card as there will be some delay due to a large number of students. In order to be able to reach the venue on the reporting time, it is advisable that the candidates check out the venue a day before the exam to familiarise themselves with the location and route.

Candidates must carefully note the date and venue of the exam and must calculate the time to reach the venue by accounting for the possibility there may be heavy traffic en route. Moreover, they must compulsorily bring any one of the valid ID proofs like their Aadhar card or driving license along with their NIACL Assistant Hall Ticket 2025 on the day of the exam. Candidates must be familiar with the NIACL Assistant exam pattern and done with their preparations, revision etc., on the day before the exam and must not leave any topic for the last day. This will ensure that the candidate is relaxed and fresh on the exam day and avoids making unnecessary mistakes under stress.

NIACL Assistant Prelims Result Date 2025

The NIACL assistant results for the prelim exam are released by NIACL on 27th January 2025 (Monday). Candidates who secure scores that are higher than the cutoff marks in the NIACL Assistant Prelims exam will be eligible for the NIACL Assistant main exam. NIACL Assistant result for the prelims exam will be declared on the official website of NIACL on 27th January 2025 (Monday). Candidates will have to enter their Registration Number / Roll Number and Password / Date of Birth to check their NIACL Assistant result. The NIACL Assistant Result / Scorecard will contain the following information:

  • a) Name of the Candidate
  • b) Roll Number of the Candidate
  • c) NIACL Assistant Cutoff Marks – Overall & Sectional
  • d) Overall and Sectional Marks Obtained by the Candidate

The date of declaration of the NIACL result will be updated here. Candidates must diligently follow the updates here and on the official website so that they don’t miss the chance to write the NIACL main exam. There are further steps that usually come in close succession to the release of the NIACL prelims results, such as the release of the NIACL main exam admit card and the NIACL main examination itself. Candidates who do not get to know about the NIACL prelims result on time may miss the chance to give a shot at the NIACL main exam even though they may have qualified for it.

PS: The marks secured by the aspirants in this stage are only qualifying in nature and are not considered for the final selection of candidates.

NIACL Assistant Mains Exam 2025: Admit Card Date Release

The admit card for the NAICL main exam will be available only for those candidates who have successfully cleared the prelims exam. Apart from that, the steps to download the admit card and the procedures to follow after downloading the admit card are quite similar for NIACL prelims and main exams. Candidates must remember that the exam venue need not be the same for prelims and main exams. Candidates must make sure that they download the admit card on time and must also take care to confirm that the details mentioned on the admit card are correct, just as they did for the prelims admit card.

NIACL Assistant Mains Exam Date 2025

The NIACL Assistant main exam date is on 2nd March 2025 (Sunday). The exam pattern for the main exam is different. Therefore, candidates must start practising with a singular focus on the NIACL main exam syllabus and NIACL main exam pattern even before the prelim results are declared. Candidates must follow the specific instructions given on the NIACL main exam admit card regarding the conduct and restrictions applicable to the candidate at the exam venue. Just like for the prelims exam, candidates must reach the test venue earlier than instructed in order to account for delays that may occur due to the presence of a large number of candidates.

NIACL Assistant Final Result Date 2025

NIACL releases the NIACL Assistant main exam result on the official website approximately 3-4 weeks after the exam. Only the marks obtained by the candidates in the NIACL main exam are considered for the final selection of candidates as NIACL Assistants. Candidates can download their scorecard that contains their qualified / not qualified status and their final score in the NIACL main exam. Just like the prelims result, the NIACL Assistant main exam result will also be available for download on the official website. Candidates can download and view their NIACL Assistant main exam result by entering the registration number and password which was given at the time of registration. Candidates must download and keep a printout of the result for further steps in the recruitment process.

NIACL Assistant Regional Language Test Date 2025

The Regional Language test is conducted to test the proficiency of the candidate in the regional language of the region from which he or she has applied for the NIACL Assistant 2025 Exam. No separate marks will be awarded for the Regional Language Test. This test is qualifying in nature. Aspirants shortlisted after the NIACL Main examination will be later called for the Regional Language Test, which is conducted by the NIACL at selected centres. Knowing the regional language (which is often the candidate’s mother tongue itself), is enough to clear the Regional Language Proficiency test. Language Proficiency Test or LPT is an integral part of the recruitment procedure of almost every Assistant Cadre recruitment process. The reason for conducting this test is that, after recruitment, an assistant or clerk will be dealing with the local people of that state. So, proper knowledge of the local language is absolutely necessary to be effective in this job. Candidates can check the NIACL Assistant exam syllabus to know more about the local language test.

NIACL Assistant Exam 2025 Preparation

Due to the vastness of the syllabus, candidates who want to appear for the NIACL Assistant Exam should have a solid preparation strategy to crack the exam. NIACL assistant preparation can be divided into two parts, preparation for the prelims exam and that for the main exam. The NIACL preliminary exam is relatively easier, and it includes three subjects, a test of English, reasoning and numerical ability, while the main exam includes the test of reasoning, English language, general awareness, commuter knowledge and numerical ability. At Embibe, you can take bank mock tests for, which are based on the same syllabus as the syllabus of the NIACL Assistant exam. Even the difficulty level of these mock tests is the same as that of the NIACL Assistant exam 2025. Taking these banking mock tests will be of great help to you in your NIACL Assistant Preparation. Having an idea about the perks that come with this job, such as the NIACL Assistant salary, prestige of having a central government job, and important and challenging job responsibilities will further boost candidates’ motivation to prepare for the NIACL Assistant exam 2025.

We have mentioned all that there is to know about actions to be taken at various stages of the NIACL recruitment process. The starting and ending dates for each of these process will be updated here soon. Keep checking this page every now and then to stay updated about the NIACL Assistant Recruitment 2025.

NIACL Assistant Exam Date 2025: FAQs

Here, we have enlisted some of the most important frequently asked questions related to the NIACL Assistant Exam Date 2025. Candidates must read these questions and answers to clear out their doubts regarding the same subject.

Q. When will NIACL Assistant exam dates be announced?
The NIACL Assistant exam date will be conducted on 27th January 2025 (Monday).
Q. When will the official notification for NIACL Assistant be released?
The NIACL Assistant notification 2025 was released on 16th December 2024.
Q. When will NIACL Assistant Admit Card be released?
The NIACL Assistant admit card 2025 was released on 16th January 2025. Candidates can download their admit cards from the website using the registration number and password.
Q. Is the NIACL Assistant Regional Language Test results added to the final score?
No. The Regional Language Test is only qualifying in nature.
Q. When will NIACL Assistant final results be declared?
The final results for NIACL Assistant recruitment will be released after all three tiers of the recruitment process are over.
Q. What is the purpose of the Regional Language Test?
An NIACL assistant will be dealing with the local people of that state. So, proper knowledge of the local language is absolutely necessary to be effective in this job.

Now that you have a clear idea about the NIACL Assistant Exam Dates 2025, make the best use of the remaining time. Prepare well and score as high as possible. Take NIACL Mock Tests and work on improving on your weak areas. Rectify your mistakes and do not make the same mistakes in the actual exam.

Pro Tip: Embibe offers interactive learning videos and topic-wise practice questions for various competitive exams. Through the world’s most intelligent AI-based educational platform we offer calibrated feedback based on your performance and guarantees improvement in days. Take our mock test today.

We hope that this detailed article on NIACL Assistant Exam Dates 2025 helps you. If you have any queries regarding NIACL important dates or the exam in general, feel to ask in the comment section below. We will get back to you at the earliest.

Stay tuned to embibe.com to get the latest updates on the NIACL Assistant Exam Dates 2025!

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