• Written By Aditi Jain
  • Last Modified 20-01-2025

NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025: Check Tentative Paper Pattern Here


NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025: Candidates preparing for the NRA CET 2025 must have a thorough understanding of the exam pattern to study efficiently and effectively. The National Recruitment Agency has not released the official notification yet on its website. Aspirants can check the tentative NRA CET Exam Pattern to know more about the number of questions, marking scheme, type of questions, total marks, section names, time duration, etc. The NRA CET 2025 is expected to be conducted in September 2025. Scroll down to read more on NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025!

The National Recruitment Agency Common Eligibility Test will be considered as the Screening Test in order to recruit eligible staff for various Group B and C non-technical and non-gazetted posts in government bodies. To score well in the NRA CET exam, candidates must have a clear understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus so that they know everything about the topics that will be coming in it. In this article, we have provided all the relevant details related to the NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025 including exam overview, tentative exam pattern, best books to study, preparation tips and tricks, and so on. Read on to find out more about the same. Check NRA CET 2025 Details.

NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025: Overview

Before getting into the details of the NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025, candidates must go through the exam overview for a better understanding.

Name of Exam Conducting BodyNational Recruitment Agency
Name of ExamCommon Eligibility Tests
Type of ExamPreliminary Exam for Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ Posts
For Government BodiesRailways (RRB), SSC and IBPS
NRA Tests CentresAt least one in each district
Mode of ExamComputer Based Test
Frequency of ConductionTwice a Year
Score ValidityThree Years

NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025: Tentative

The National Recruitment Agency has not released any notification regarding the NRA CET exam. Here, we have mentioned the expected exam pattern for the same. Candidates must go through the table given below to clear out their doubts. The NRA CET Exam Pattern details will be updated as soon as the conducting body publishes it on its official website via online mode.

Section NamesNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks
General Intelligence And Reasoning5050
General Awareness And General Knowledge5050
Quantitative Aptitude5050
Language (English, Hindi, etc.)5050
  1. Candidates will have to complete the whole NRA CET exam within 120 minutes / 2 Hours.
  2. The questions will be of Objective Type (MCQ) in which candidates have to choose one correct option among four.
  3. On each correct answer, candidates will be rewarded with +1 mark.
  4. 0.25 mark will be deducted on each wrong answer.

Best Books To Prepare For NRA CET 2025

To prepare well in the right direction, candidates must study from the best books to clear the NRA CET 2025 exam in a single attempt. It is very important to have a crystal clear understanding of the basics of all the concepts that will be coming in the examination. Without it, candidates will not be able to solve the questions accurately and quickly. There will be a time limit in the examination and that is why aspirants will have to come up with exact answers speedily.

For General Intelligence and Reasoning

A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal ReasoningBS SijwaliS. Chand
A New Approach to ReasoningB S SijwaliArihant
Analytical ReasoningM.K.PandeyBSC Publishing
Logical ReasoningK KundanBSC Publishing
Bank PO/ MT Examination Practice WorkbookExperts CompilationArihant

For General Awareness and General Knowledge

Books NamePublicationAuthor
Objective Computer AwarenessArihant PublicationR. Pillai
Objective Computer AwarenessKiran PublicationS.N. Prasad
Banking AwarenessB.K. PublicationsS.K. Rout & S.R. Behera
Banking AwarenessArihant Publication
Hand Book on Banking AwarenessIBC Academy Publication
Basic Banking & Financial IssueUpkar’s PublicationGantam Majumdaar
Dhankar Current AffairsDhankar Publication
Competition InfocusArihant Publication
Year Book 2020Current Affairs Handout of VanikManorama Year Book
Lucent General KnowledgeLucent Publication
The Person GK ManualPearson PublicationEdgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe
General StudiesArihant PublicationManohar Pandey
General KnowledgeStudent & Publications

For Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExamsR.S. AggarwalS. Chand
Quantitative Aptitude TestN.K SinghUpkar Prakashan
Arithmetic for General CompetitionsNeetu SinghK.D. Publication
Guide to Quantitative AptitudeDinesh KhattarPearson
Data InterpretationArun SharmaMcgraw Hill Education
Data InterpretationK. KundanBSC Publication
Objective Mathematics for Competitive ExamsTarun GoyalArihant

For English Language

Word Power Made EasyNorman LewisPenguin
English Grammar & CompositionWren and MartinS. Chand
Descriptive General EnglishS P Bakshi and Richa SharmaArihant
Objective English for Competitive ExaminationsHari Mohan Prasad, Uma Rani SinhaMcgraw Hill Education
Objective General EnglishR.S Aggarwal, Vikas AggarwalS. Chand
Practise PapersKiran PrakashanKiran Prakashan

Also Check,

NRA CET Marticulation LevelNRA CET Graduate Level
NRA CET Higher Secondary Level

Preparation Tips For NRA CET 2025

Before starting the preparation for the NRA CET exam, candidates must know about the tips. These preparation tricks will help the candidates to make a proper study plan and cover all the topics in a small time frame which will give enough time for revision as well. Here, we have enlisted effective preparation tips for the same. Candidates must go through these pointers to know more.

  1. Have A Clear Understanding Of Exam Pattern And Syllabus: The first step to start the preparation is to be thorough with the NRA CET Exam Pattern and Syllabus. Via the paper paper, candidates will get to know more about the marking scheme, time duration, weightage of all the sections, and more. Whereas with reference to the syllabus, candidates will have a list of all the topics that will be coming in the exam.
  2. Create A Timetable: After this, take a pen and paper and make a proper timetable according to the difficulty level of the topics. Take more days to cover such topics and fix a time frame to complete it under any circumstances.
  3. Clear Your Basics: While studying each and every topic, read thoroughly with the theories of all the concepts to understand the basics clearly. With this, candidates will be able to solve questions easily.
  4. Prepare Notes Of Important Topics: It is very important to make notes of all the formulas, equations, etc. The notes will make the revision session much easier. Visual interpretations stay longer in mind. So, it is better if you practice drawings as well. 
  5. Practice Different Type Of Questions: As soon as you are done with topics, start solving questions by refering to Embibe’s Mock Tests. In the starting, go with the easier level then medium one as per the quality of the preparation. Afterwards, when you are confident, try to solve the difficult questions.
  6. Revise The Covered Topics Regularly: Revision is the key to good practice. Candidates must revise the topics and formulas regularly so that their basics will be strong and have a long-lasting impact. Also, diligently read your notes and practice notebooks as well, and then start practicing the difficult formulas and questions accordingly.
  7. Take Breaks: It is mandatory to take short breaks in between the study time to be more focused and efficient. Studying for straight 8-10 hours can lead to severe headaches and other health issues.

NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025: FAQs

Here, we have enlisted some of the important frequently asked questions related to the NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025. Candidates must go through these questions and answers to clear out their doubts regarding the same subject.

Q. When will the NRA CET 2025 be conducted?
A. The conducting body has not released the NRA CET 2025 date but it is expected that the exam will be conducted in September 2025.
Q. What will be the time limit to complete the NRA CET exam?
A. It is anticipated that 120 minutes will be given to the appearing candidates to complete the NRA CET 2025 exam. No extra time will be allotted for the same.
Q. How many sections will be present in the NRA CET 2025?
A. There will be four sections in the NRA CET 2025 – General Intelligence And Reasoning, General Awareness and General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, and Language (English, Hindi, etc.).
Q. What are the best books to prepare for the Quantitative Aptitude section?
A. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by RS Agarwal, Quantitative Aptitude Test by NK Singh, Arithmetic for General Competitions by Neetu Singh, Data Interpretation by Arun Sharma, and more.
Q. What will be the type of questions in the NRA CET 2025?
A. The questions in the NRA CET 2025 will be of Objective Type (MCQ) in which candidates have to choose one correct option among the given four.

Now that you are provided with all the necessary information regarding NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025. Candidates are advised to start preparing for various recruitment examinations and enhance their study level by taking Embibe’s Mock Tests. The mock test will help the candidates to make the preparation stronger and stable.

We hope that we have managed to provide you with all the necessary details on the NRA CET Exam Pattern. If you have any queries, then feel to ask in the comment section below and we will be glad to help you out.

Stay tuned to embibe.com for the latest updates on NRA CET Exam Pattern 2025!

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