Fundamental Principle of Counting: Let's say you have a number lock. It comprises four wheels, each with ten digits ranging from \(0\) to \(9\), and if...

Fundamental Principle of Counting: Introduction and Principles
March 2, 2025Poultry: The poultry industry, with its production in the form of eggs and meat, is of particular significance in providing a balanced diet for the human population. Proper management of poultry involves enhanced methods of rearing, hatching, housing, sanitation, prevention from diseases and a sound marketing arrangement.
In this article, we will learn a lot of facts about poultry farming, birds used in this practice, products, management and the importance of poultry. So, let’s begin with our journey to learn with fun.
Poultry can be defined as the rearing and breeding of domesticated fowls such as chicken, geese, ducks, turkey and some varieties of pigeon for their meat and eggs. It can be done from small to large scale.
Fig. Poultry Farming
Poultry farming is a method where the birds are raised domestically or commercially for their meat and eggs and also for their feathers. There are some important birds that are commonly farmed in poultry like chicken, turkey, geese and ducks. In contrast, other birds like guinea fowl and squabs are not that commonly farmed.
Most non-vegetarian people find poultry products as a cheap source of protein from animals. Thus, it is one of the fastest-growing segments in animal husbandry. Their meat-producing poultry birds are called broilers, and the egg-laying female birds are called layers. Poultry birds benefit humans in many ways as they are not only efficient converters of agricultural byproducts, but also provide egg, feathers, and rich manure.
There are major six types of poultry birds farmed commonly all over the world. To know more about these, continue reading:
1. Chicken: Chicken is the most widely domesticated fowl for its meat and eggs worldwide. Chicken meat is the most consumed meat throughout the world. This is the reason that the chicken meat market has grown extremely high in the past few years, the export reaching nearly \({\rm{12}}{\rm{.5}}\) million metric tons by the early \({\rm{2}}{{\rm{1}}^{{\rm{st}}}}\) century. India is the fifth largest country in the world in the production of poultry meat. Aseel, Chittagong, Basra and Ghagus are some common indigenous breeds found in India. The exotic breeds are generally classified into four categories:
(a) American (e.g., WyandotteJersey)
(b) English (e.g., Red Cap)
(c) Asiatic (e.g., Langshan)
(d) Mediterranean (e.g., Leghorn).
2. Turkey: Production of turkey became highly specialized after world war II with larger flocks. Canada is known for raising turkeys in a large number of turkeys are also raised in the United States, Mexico etc. Mostly turkeys are commercially grown out under environmentally controlled conditions in rearing houses. They can also be raised in open land with automatic waterers, fenced shelters, self-feeders and rotated pastures.
3. Ducks and Geese: Raising of ducks is practised in almost all the countries but on a limited scale. Ducks not only provide desirable eggs and meat, but it also helps to convert some waste products and scattered grains into nutritious compounds. They are also easily transported. Khaki Campbell and Indian Runner ducks are layers that produce around \(300\) eggs per year each. The Pekin duck is one of the most popular breeds in the United States used for both egg and meat production.
Goose raising is a minor farm enterprise except in some European countries that have large-scale production of these birds. Toulouse and Embden are the two most important breeds of goose which are commonly raised for their meat, eggs and feathers.
4. Guinea Fowl and Squabs: These birds are raised as a sideline in very few farms and eaten as gourmet items. They are raised in yards with open-fronted shelters, and many varieties and species of these birds are utilized throughout the world.
Pigeons are raised for the meat and are called squabs. They have an established poultry industry in most countries, and the production is carried out locally. This meat is also sold as a gourmet item.
Though eggs and meat are the main byproducts of poultry farming, feathers of some birds are also used for various purposes.
Fig. Production of Eggs in Poultry
Egg production is the most important trait of poultry farming. A layer starts laying eggs around the age of \(26\) weeks. The production period of eggs in the commercial layer is approximately \(500\) days.
In order to develop new varieties or to improve chicken with respect to quantity and quality of eggs, the following points are needed to be considered:
1. Sexual maturity
2. Egg number
3. Bodyweight
4. Egg size
5. The internal quality of egg
6. Feed efficiency
7. Egg shape
8. Shell quality
For some desirable qualities, fowls in India are crossbred. The cross-breeding programmes between Indian and foreign breeds for variety improvement are focused on developing new varieties. For example, exotic breed like Leghorn is crossed with indigenous brees like Aseel to develop required traits such as:
1. Small-sized egg-laying birds.
2. Increase in number and quality of chicks.
3. Resistance against disease and environmental factors like high temperature.
5. Dwarf parent for commercial chick production.
There are some eggs called vegetarian eggs. Hens can lay eggs without cock, and these eggs are considered to be infertile eggs. Infertile eggs have a quality of not rotting easily as compared to fertile eggs, hence the production of infertile eggs is more desired in the industry.
They are provided with nutrient-rich food supplements that help them in faster growth. These supplements are mostly rich in vitamins that increase the growth rate and promote better feed efficiency. Proper care is taken to enable feathering and prevent mortality. These chickens are then sent as broilers to market and sold as meat.
A good management system is important for producing good quality poultry products. These practices are often different for egg layers and boilers.
Poultry birds not only need protection against weather and predators but also against certain diseases. These birds are susceptible to many viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases. Some of these are mentioned below:
Bacterial Diseases: Fowl Cholera, Diarrhoea of chick, Tuberculosis, Necrotic enteritis, Botulism, Fowl typhoid
Viral Diseases: Ranikhet, Bird flu
Fungal Disease: Aspergillosis
Poultry diseases might lead to greater loss if proper measures are not taken at the right time. By using some simple steps, many poultry diseases can be prevented. These steps include-
1. Birds must be kept in a clean, hygienic place.
2. Disposal of excreta should be maintained properly and regularly.
3. Birds must be given a spacious, ventilated and bright place.
4. All the animals should be vaccinated to fight against common infections and diseases.
5. Nutritional diseases can be prevented by nutrient-rich food supplements in proper quantities.
6. Disinfectants must be sprayed regularly to kill parasites and mosquitoes.
7. Controlling of external parasites must be done by applying dilute insecticides solutions.
Poultry farming holds great significance for us in various ways. Some of these are:
1. Poultry provides humans with companionship, food and fibre in the form of eggs, meat and feathers.
2. The large poultry industry provides employment opportunities to many people.
3. It is an extra income option for farmers, thus helping them to raise their economic standards.
4. It requires very little investment and can be practised throughout the year.
5. Egg and meat are rich but cheap sources of protein that we include in our diet.
6. Poultry wastes are rich in nitrogen and other organic materials and hence can be used as fertilizers.
7. Poultry feathers are utilized for making pillows, fancy articles and curios.
The main poultry products, Egg and meat, are of high nutritional value. This is one of the significant reasons for rapid growth in the need for these products. The enormous rise in the availability of poultry products is called the silver revolution. Poultry farming is a profitable business with a continuous source of income. As it requires less investment compared to rearing other livestock, any small scale farmers can also run this practice as a side business.
Poultry is capable of utilizing wastes like bran, substandard grains, vegetables which normally go as waste by feeding on them. This way the farmer can save a portion of his expenses towards poultry feed. A properly maintained shelter, nutritious feed and disease prevention measures can aid good quality and quantity of products.
Q.1. What are some common diseases that affect poultry birds?
Ans: Fowl Cholera, Diarrhoea of chick, Tuberculosis, Necrotic enteritis, Botulism, and Fowl typhoid are some common poultry diseases. Cleanliness, hygiene and nutrition-rich feed can help prevent these diseases.
Q.2. What is the difference between broilers and layers?
Ans: Poultry birds are reared for their eggs and flesh. Meat-producing poultry birds are called broilers, and the egg-laying female birds are called layers.
Q.3. What are the 6 types of poultry birds?
Ans: Poultry can be of different types based on the types of poultry birds that are farmed. Six types of poultry birds are:
(a) Chicken
(b) Turkey
(c) Ducks
(d) Geese
(e) Guinea fowl
(f) Squabs
Q.4. Is poultry a type of farming? Define poultry.
Ans: Poultry is a type of farming. It is the rearing of domesticated fowl, chicken, geese, ducks, turkey and some varieties of pigeon for their meat and eggs.
Q.5. Is milk a poultry product?
Ans: Eggs and meat are the main two products that we get from poultry. We also get feathers that are used to fill pillows or make fancy articles. Milk is a dairy product obtained from animals like cows, buffaloes and goats. Thus, it is not a poultry product.
We hope that this detailed article on Poultry was helpful. If you have any queries, then do let us know about them in the comment section below. We will get back to you at the earliest.