Reproductive System: The reproductive system is one of the significant chapters in Biology. The procedure that contributes to the birth of offspring is referred to as the reproductive system. The process of reproduction is different in every species and it is majorly dependent on a range of factors. This article will highlight different aspects of the human reproductive system.
The article will focus on a discussion on parts of the female reproductive system and male reproductive system parts, diagrams, functions, and much more. With a detailed description of the human reproductive system, this article will focus on enlisting all the processes. Read on to find out more interesting facts about the reproduction system.
A reproductive system is a system of organs and processes that take part in the reproduction or formation of new similar young living organisms.
Reproductive System: Functions
The reproductive system is a collection of organs that produces both gametes and sex hormones in males and females. This enables a male to impregnate a female who gives birth to a child. During copulation, a male gamete – sperm enters the fallopian tube and fuses with a female gamete – ovum, leading to a formation of a diploid zygote. The cells of the zygote divide repeatedly as the zygote moves down the fallopian tube to the uterus. The formed embryo implants to the wall of the uterus and grows in the uterus during pregnancy. Abnormalities or damage to the reproductive organs may lead to infertility or complications during pregnancy.
Anatomy of Reproductive System
The reproductive system involves the male and female reproductive systems. 1. The male reproductive system includes the testes that produce sperm, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts, urethra, and penis a. Male accessory glands are the prostate, Cowper’s glands, etc. 2. The female reproductive system consists of the ovaries that produce the ovum, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina, and vulva. a. Female accessory glands are Bartholin’s gland, mammary gland. 3. Both the male and female reproductive systems must be functioning properly for a couple to conceive naturally. A problem with the structure or function of both male and female reproductive systems may cause infertility.
Human Male Reproductive System
The male reproductive system is a reproductive system that is present in males. The human male reproductive system is a group of organs that takes part in the process of reproduction and produces male gametes called sperms. The male reproductive system consists of a pair of the testis, the duct system, accessory glands, and external genitalia.
Diagram of Human Male Reproductive System
Organs of Male Reproductive System
The organs of the Male reproductive system are:
The testicles are oval in shape and located outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called the scrotum. They are the primary male reproductive organ and are responsible for testosterone and sperm production.
How is Temperature Related to the Testes?
Sperms are produced in the testes at a temperature \(2\) to \(3\) degrees Celsius lower than the body temperature. This temperature is regulated in a strange manner through the movements of the scrotum wall. When it is too hot, the skin of the scrotum loosens so that the testes hang down away from the body and when it is cold, the skin contracts in a folded manner and draws the testes closer to the body for warmth.
The epididymis is a single convoluted tubule of about \(6\,\rm{m}\) in length located along the posterior surface of the testes. It transports and stores sperm cells that are produced in the testes. In the head of the epididymis, the sperms undergo physiological maturation, acquiring increased motility and fertilisation capacity.
Vas Deferens
The sperm duct, also known as vas deferens, originates from the network called rete testis. Vasa Deferentia (Vas deferens) is a continuation of cauda epididymis.
Ejaculatory Ducts
Ejaculatory ducts are formed by the fusion of the vas deferens and the seminal vesicles. The ejaculatory ducts empty into the urethra.
The urinary duct originates from the neck of the urinary bladder and opens to the exterior at the tip of the penis. It helps in passing out both semen and urine and is commonly known as the urinogenital duct. The penis is the external genitalia in human males. It is made up of a special erectile tissue that helps in the erection of the penis to facilitate insemination.
Accessory Glands of Human Male Reproductive System
There are three main male accessory glands in the human male reproductive system. They are the seminal vesicle, prostate gland, and bulbourethral gland.
Male Reproductive System Functions
The male reproductive system performs the following functions: 1. Testis produces reproductive cells by a process called spermatogenesis and also secretes the male sex hormone – testosterone. 2. Epididymis stores sperms and maturation of sperms takes place here. 3. Vas deferens help in the transmission of mature sperms. 4. Semen is a secretion of accessory sex glands and mucus. The secretion of the Cowper’s gland, being alkaline, neutralizes the acidity of urine in the urethra. 5. Seminal vesicles help in the production of many of the constituent ingredients of semen. 6. Prostate glands help in the production of the fluid that nourishes and activates the spermatozoa to swim. 7. Bulbourethral glands secrete mucus that serves for lubrication.
Female Reproductive System
The organ system in females that help in the development of the female gametes and help in fertilization to give rise to the zygote which develops into a foetus is called the female reproductive system. Females are born with immature eggs. At the time of puberty, the eggs mature, and by the process of ovulation are released by the ovaries. The female reproductive system consists of the primary reproductive organs, accessory or secondary reproductive organs, and external genitalia.
Diagram of Female Reproductive System
Organs of Female Reproductive System
The organs of the female reproductive system are:
The ovaries are the primary reproductive organs present in the female reproductive system. On either side of the uterus, there are paired and almond-shaped ovaries.
Oviducts or Fallopian Tubes
Oviducts or fallopian tubes are the two tubes where the fertilization process takes place. These are accessory reproductive organs of the female reproductive system. The oviduct stretches out from each ovary to the uterus.
Uterus (Womb)
The uterus is a hollow muscular organ of the female reproductive system and can be classified into three parts namely, body, fundus, and cervix. The uterus is also known as the womb and baby maker.
Vagina (Birth Canal)
The vagina is the female copulatory organ of the female reproductive system. It lies between the cervix to the exterior of the body. It receives the penis during sexual intercourse. It is elastic and muscular with a soft flexible lining.
The cervix is the lower, narrow part of the uterus, located between the bladder and rectum. It forms a canal that opens to the vagina. Often called the neck or entrance to the womb, the cervix lets menstrual blood out and semen into the uterus. Growths in the cervix called polyps can sometimes affect the fertilization of the embryo growth process.
The vagina, also known as the birth canal, joins the cervix to the outside of the body.
The vulva is the external portion of the female genital organs. The vulva consists of the following structures:
Mons pubis: These are mounds of fatty tissue overlying the pubic bone. It is covered with pubic hair after puberty.
Labia majora:These are outer folds of skin containing fat, sebaceous glands, hairy and homologous to the scrotum of males.
Labia minora: These are inner folds of skin containing sebaceous glands and are non-hairy.
Clitoris: It is present at the junction of labia majora and labia minora. It corresponds to the glans penis in males. It is the centre for sexual excitement.
Vestibule: It is the cleft between the labia minora that comprises the urethral orifice, vaginal orifice and vestibular glands that produce lubricants during sexual intercourse.
Hymen: It is a thin membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening or vaginal orifice.
The Bartholin’s glands are two pea-sized glands present near the vaginal opening. These are like the bulbourethral glands in males. These glands release fluid that functions as a lubricant to decrease friction during intercourse and provides moisturization for the vulva.
Female Reproductive System Functions
The female reproductive system performs the following functions:
It produces the female gametes called the eggs or ova.
It provides a site for fertilization.
It secrets sex hormones like oestrogen and progesterone.
It provides a site for the development of the foetus.
The female vagina is very acidic!
The vagina is home to numerous microorganisms that can thrive only in an acidic environment, such as the lactic acid-producing bacteria, Lactobacillus. Without these beneficial bacteria standing guard, other pathogens which are disease-causing bacteria could move in and take over the vaginal ecosystem.
Kangaroos have three vaginas!
Yes!! Female Kangaroos have three vaginas, where the two lateral vaginas are used for accepting sperm during mating and the other central vagina is used for birthing. Male kangaroos are also unique because they have a two-pronged penis to inseminate the lateral vaginas.
Reproduction is one of the fundamental processes in the living world. Sexual reproduction is a more sophisticated and highly evolved process which is accomplished by the help of complex reproductive systems in human male and females. Human reproductive system not only forms the gametes (sperms and ova), also nourishes and facilitates their fusion. This system also helps in childbirth.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Reproductive System
Frequently asked questions related to reproductive system is listed as follows:
Q.1: What is the main function of the reproductive system? Ans: The main function of the reproductive system is to produce gametes, i.e., male gamete – sperm and female gamete – ovum.
Q.2: What is the reproductive system? Ans: The reproductive system of an organism is also termed the genital system. It is the biological system made up of all the anatomical organs involved in sexual reproduction.
Q.3: How does the reproductive system work? Ans: Sexual reproduction occurs when a new individual is formed by the union of two sex cells, sperm, and ovum. These gametes are formed in the male and female reproductive systems, respectively. The main function of reproductive systems is to produce these sex cells in gonads and nourish them to maturity.
Q.4: What is the male and female human reproductive system? Ans: The organs system in males that help in the formation and maturation of sperms and take part in reproduction is called the male reproductive system. The organ system in females that help in the development of the female gametes and help in fertilisation to give rise to the zygote which develops into a foetus is called the female reproductive system.
Q.5: Why is reproduction so important? Ans: Reproduction is the process of giving birth or producing young ones. This process is very important in maintaining stability in the ecosystem and for the continuation of life on earth.
Q.6: How can you prevent reproductive diseases? Ans: The reproductive diseases can be prevented by the following methods: a. By drinking plenty of water b. By maintaining good reproductive health and hygiene c. By using condoms during sex (STDs can be avoided) d. By avoiding the consumption of alcohol and by quitting smoking.
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