• Written By Aditi Jain
  • Last Modified 23-01-2025

RRB Kolkata Result 2025: NTPC, JE, Group D, ALP & More


RRB Kolkata Result 2025: The Railway Recruitment Board will announce the result soon after the exam, the officials will announce the result online on its official website. Candidates who will appear for the exam will check the result at rrbkolkata.gov.in.

Candidates will also be able to check the results through this article. We will update a direct link to check the same in this article. RRB releases the result PDF that contains the roll numbers of shortlisted candidates. Furthermore, the officials also release RRB Kolkata scorecards. Candidates need to enter their registration number and date of birth to download the scorecard. Read on to find more!

RRB Kolkata Result 2025: Overview

Before going into the details of RRB Kolkata 2025 results for various posts, candidates must go through the exam overview diligently for a better understanding.

Particulars Details 
Exam Name Railway Recruitment Board Kolkata Various Exams
Exam Conducting BodyRailway Recruitment Boards (RRB)
Job Location West Bengal
Job Category Central Government Job 
Posts Group D, ALP & Technician, NTPC, JE, Ministerial & Isolated Categories
Level of Exam All India Level
Selection Process Group D – CBT, PET and Document Verification followed by medical examination.
ALP & Technician – CBT 1, CBT 2, CBAT (only for ALP) and Document Verification
NTPC – CBT 1, CBT 2, Skill Test and Document Verification followed by medical examination
JE – CBT 1, CBT 2, Document Verification and Medical Examination
Ministerial & Isolated Categories – CBT, Skill Test, Document Verification and Medical Examination
Official Website rrbkolkata.gov.in

RRB Kolkata Result Dates

The officials will announce the RRB Kolkata Result for posts like Group D, NTPC, ALP and Technician, etc., on its official website. Here, we have made separate tables for each category through which candidates can know about the dates.

RRB Kolkata NTPC Result Date 2025

EventsImportant Dates
RRB NTPC Phase 1 CBT 1To be announced
RRB NTPC Phase 2 CBT 1To be announced
RRB NTPC Phase 3 CBT 1To be announced
RRB NTPC Phase 4 CBT 1To be announced
RRB NTPC Phase 5 CBT 1To be announced
RRB NTPC Phase 6 CBT 1To be announced
RRB NTPC Phase 7 CBT 1To be announced
RRB NTPC Result DateTo be announced
RRB NTPC ScorecardTo be announced
RRB NTPC CBT 2 ExamTo be announced
Release of RRB NTPC CBT 2 ResultTo be announced

RRB Kolkata Result for Ministerial & Isolated Categories

RRB Ministerial & Isolated Categories CBT ExamTo be announced
RRB Ministerial & Isolated Categories CBT ResultTo be announced
RRB Ministerial & Isolated Categories Skill TestTo be announced
RRB Ministerial & Isolated Categories Skill Test ResultTo be announced
Document Verification and Final Merit ListTo be announced

RRB Kolkata Group D Result Date

RRB Group D CBT ExamTo be announced
RRB Group D CBT ResultTo be announced
RRB Group D PETTo be announced
RRB Group D PET ResultTo be announced
Document Verification and Final Merit ListTo be announced

RRB Kolkata ALP & Technician Result Date

RRB ALP & Technician CBT 1 ExamTo be announced
RRB ALP & Technician CBT 1 ResultTo be announced
RRB ALP & Technician CBT 2To be announced
RRB ALP & Technician CBT 2 ResultTo be announced
RRB ALP & Technician CBAT (only for ALP)To be announced
Document Verification and Final Merit ListTo be announced

RRB Kolkata JE Result Date

RRB JE CBT 1 Exam DateTo be announced
RRB JE Result for CBT 1To be announced
RRB JE CBT 2 Exam DateTo be announced
RRB JE Result for CBT 2To be announced
Document VerificationTo be announced
RRB JE Final ResultTo be announced

How to Check RRB Kolkata Result?

The Railway Recruitment Board releases the RRB Kolkata Result for various posts on its official website via online mode only. Here, we have mentioned the step-wise procedure to check the result for the Kolkata region. Aspirants must go through these steps for a better understanding.

  • 1st Step: Visit the official website of RRB Kolkata – rrbkolkata.gov.in
  • 2nd Step: Click on the relevant post and check the “RRB Kolkata Result” link.
  • 3rd Step: Login with your “User ID” and “Date of Birth.”
  • 4th Step: The result will be displayed on the screen in PDF. It will contain the list of qualified candidates.
  • 5th Step: Press “Ctrl+F” and type your Roll Number. Hit Enter. If your Roll Number is there on the list, you have qualified for the next stage of the RRB Kolkata Selection Process.
  • 6th Step: Download and save the result. Take a printout of the result for future reference.

RRB Kolkata Merit List

The conducting body releases the RRB Merit List for NTPC, JE, ALP & Technician, Group D and Ministerial and Isolated Categories on its official website via online mode only. In the merit list, candidates will be able to see the names and roll numbers of those aspirants who have the highest marks in their respective examinations. The merit list for each stage will be released separately on the official portal. After taking all the recruitment levels, the RRB will publish the final merit list, consisting of the names of shortlisted candidates for the released posts.

How to Download RRB Kolkata Scorecard?

The RRB releases the scorecard for various posts on its official website via online mode only. Candidates are required to use their login credentials to access the same. Here, we have mentioned the steps to download the RRB Scorecard for Kolkata region:

  • Visit the official website of RRB Kolkata region: rrbkolkata.gov.in.
  • Click on the link provided to check scorecard of the exam you appeared for.
  • Enter the User ID and Date of Birth.
  • Click on the “Submit” button.
  • The RRB Scorecard for the RRB posts which the candidate has appeared will be displayed on the screen.
  • Viewdownload and take a printout of the same for future references.

Details Mentioned on RRB Kolkata Scorecard

After the candidates are done with accessing their RRB Scorecards from the official website, they will see important details printed on them. Here, we have enlisted the information that will be available on the RRB result card. Candidates must read the below pointers for a better understanding of the same subject.

  1. Name of the applicant
  2. Date of birth
  3. Total marks obtained
  4. Normalised marks
  5. Qualifying status of the applicant
  6. Category, etc.

RRB Kolkata Cut-off

The minimum qualifying percentage for the post of Group D, ALP & Technician, NTPC, JE, Ministerial & Isolated Categories are as under:

CategoryCutoff Score
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 30%
Scheduled Caste (SC)30%
Scheduled Tribe (ST)25%
Unreserved (UR)40%

Factors Affecting RRB Cut-off Marks

Following factors affect the cut-off score for various posts of RRB for the Kolkata region:

  1. Total number of candidates appearing in RRB Kolkata exams
  2. Number of vacancies in Kolkata region for each post and category
  3. The difficulty level of the RRB exams

Candidates from other RRB regions can click on the links provided below to check their results:

RRB RegionsOfficial Website

FAQs on RRB Kolkata Result

Here, we have enlisted some of the most important frequently asked questions related to the RRB Kolkata Result 2025. Candidates must go through these questions and answers to clear out their doubts.

Q. When will the RRB Kolkata NTPC CBT 1 Result be announced?
A. RRB will release the NTPC CBT 1 result online on the website. Candidates can check the results from this page.
Q. How can I check the RRB Kolkata result?
A. Candidates need to visit the official website of RRB Kolkata at rrbkolkata.gov.in to check the result of various posts. Furthermore, the direct link to access the result is also available on this page.
Q. How can I download the RRB Kolkata scorecard?
A. Candidates need to visit the official website at rrbkolkata.gov.in and enter login credentials such as registration number and date of birth to download their scorecards.
Q. What are the details mentioned on the RRB Kolkata result?
The result will have a list of roll numbers of candidates who are qualified for the next selection stage.
Q. Will I get the RRB Kolkata Result through the post?
A. No, you will not get the RRB Kolkata Result through the post.

Related Links:

RRB NTPC RecruitmentRRB NTPC Exam Dates
RRB NTPC StatusRRB NTPC Syllabus
RRB NTPC Exam PatternRRB NTPC Preparation
RRB NTPC Question PapersRRB NTPC Salary
RRB NTPC Answer KeyRRB NTPC Cut-off

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If you face any confusion regarding the RRB Kolkata Result 2025, let us know your queries in the comment section below, and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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