• Written By Zeshan Naz
  • Last Modified 27-01-2025

RRB Muzaffarpur Result 2025: Check RRB NTPC CBT 1 Result


RRB Muzaffarpur Result 2025: The Railway Recruitment Board will release the RRB Muzaffarpur Result 2025 for NTPC CBT 1 on its official website, i.e. rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in. RRB NTPC CBT 1 will held in seven phases in the Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) in various Indian Railway zones. RRB NTPC Results for CBT 1 will be released on the official website. We have provided the direct link to check the RRB NTPC CBT 1 Cut-off Marks and selected candidates list for CBT 2 for the Region.

Candidates who cleared the RRB NTPC CBT 1 for Muzaffarpur regions can download their scorecard by using their User ID and Date of Birth on the official website. Candidates who have cleared the RRB NTPC CBT 1 exam will be entitled to appear in the CBT 2 examination is yet to be announced. Read this article to know more about RRB NTPC Result 2025. Scroll down to know more!

RRB Muzaffarpur Result 2025 Overview

Before getting into the details of the RRB Muzaffarpur Result, candidates must have an overview of the various RRB exams for various posts. Check the table below for a better understanding.

Particulars Details 
Exam Name Railway Recruitment Board Muzaffarpur Various Exams
Name of Exam conducting Body Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB)
Job Location Bihar
Job Category Central Government Job 
Posts Group D, ALP & Technician, NTPC, JE, Ministerial & Isolated Categories
Level of Exam All India Level
Selection Process Group D – CBT, PET and Document Verification followed by medical examination.
ALP & Technician – CBT 1, CBT 2, CBAT (only for ALP) and Document Verification
NTPC – CBT 1, CBT 2, Skill Test and Document Verification followed by medical examination
JE – CBT 1, CBT 2, Document Verification and Medical Examination
Ministerial & Isolated Categories – CBT, Skill Test, Document Verification and Medical Examination
Official website rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in

Note: The RRB Muzaffarpur has not yet released the notifications for Group D, ALP & Technician, JE and other posts on its official website. Candidates must keep an eye on the official website or bookmark this page to get the latest updates on RRB Muzaffarpur Result.

RRB Muzaffarpur NTPC Result Date

Before getting into the details on RRB Result 2025, let us have a look at the important events and dates.


EventsImportant Dates
Release of RRB NTPC ApplicationTo Be Announced
RRB NTPC Phase 1 CBT 1To Be Announced
RRB NTPC Phase 2 CBT 1To Be Announced
RRB NTPC Phase 3 CBT 1To Be Announced
RRB NTPC Phase 4 CBT 1To Be Announced
RRB NTPC Phase 5 CBT 1To Be Announced
RRB NTPC Phase 6 CBT 1To Be Announced
RRB NTPC Phase 7 CBT 1To Be Announced
RRB NTPC CBT 1 Provisional Answer KeyTo Be Announced
RRB NTPC Result DateTo Be Announced
RRB NTPC ScorecardTo Be Announced
Release of Cut-off ScoresTo Be Announced
RRB NTPC CBT 2 ExamTo Be Announced

Steps To Check RRB Result

Candidates who have appeared for the RRB exams can follow the steps below to download the result PDF.

Steps to Check RRB NTPC Result

The RRB Muzaffarpur will release the NTPC Result PDF for CBT 1 via online mode on the official website Candidates can check the following steps given below to download the result:

– 1st Step: Go to the official website of RRB Muzaffarpur.
 2nd Step: on the homepage, click on the link provided as “RRB NTPC Result (RRC-CEN-01/2019)“.
– 3rd Step: Download the Merit List PDF containing the list of candidates selected for a particular exam stage.
 4th Step: Press the Ctrl+F key, enter your registration number, and search for your registration number in the list. If it is there, you have cleared the CBT Stage 1 and are eligible to appear for the RRB NTPC CBT Stage 2.
– 5th Step: Download and take a printout of the result for future reference.


The RRB NTPC CBT 1 exam is qualifying in nature. The exam comprises of three sections, namely, General Awareness, Mathematics and Intelligence, and Reasoning. The total mark allotted for CBT 1 is 100. Check the category-wise qualifying marks as mentioned below:

CategoriesQualifying Marks
UR & EWS40%
OBC and SC30%

According to the sources, more than 1.25 crore candidates had appeared for the Computer Based Test 1 in various NTPC exam centres. The Railway Recruitment Board has selected 7,05,446 for Computer Based Test 2. Check RRB NTPC Result for more details.


The RRB NTPC Result for CBT 2 will be declared after the completion of the exams. Candidates qualified in CBT 1 will be eligible to appear for CBT 2 exam. The total marks allotted for CBT 1 is 120 marks. Candidates who clear CBT 2 will be called for a Skills test and document verification. Check the category-wise qualifying marks as mentioned below:

CategoriesQualifying Marks
UR & EWS40%
OBC and SC30%

How to Download RRB Muzaffarpur Scorecard?

The Railway Recruitment Board will select the candidates for NTPC CBT 2 in the Muzaffarpur region. The procedure to download RRB Muzaffarpur Result is as follows:

  • 1st Step: Visit the official website of RRB Muzaffarpur – rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in or click on the RRB Muzaffarpur NTPC CBT 1 Scrorecard direct link.
  • 2nd Step: Click on the relevant link that reads “RRB Scorecard.”
  • 3rd Step: Login with your “Registration Number” and “Password/ Date of Birth.”
  • 4th Step: Now, click on the “Login” link.
  • 4th Step: The RRB Muzaffarpur Scorecard will be displayed on the screen.
  • 5th Step: Download, save and take a printout of the result for future reference.

Details on RRB Muzaffarpur Scorecard

RRB Muzaffarpur Scorecard has the following details mentioned on it:

  1. Name of the applicant
  2. Date of birth
  3. Total marks obtained
  4. Normalised marks
  5. Qualifying status of the applicant
  6. Category

Candidates who have attended the RRB Muzaffarpur NTPC CBT 1 can check the table below to get access to the direct links.

RRB Muzaffarpur NTPC CBT 1 Result – Level 6 RRB Muzaffarpur NTPC CBT 1 Result – Level 2
RRB Muzaffarpur NTPC CBT 1 Result – Level 5RRB Muzaffarpur NTPC CBT 1 Result – Level 3
Junior Clerk Cum Typist Cut-offStation Master Cut-off
Goods Guard, Senior Clerk Cum Typist, Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk Cut-offCommercial Cum Ticket Clerk Cut-off

How to Calculate RRB NTPC Score?

The RRB will announce the results on the official website. Before announcing the result, RRB will release the RRB Answer Key for various posts on the official website. With this, candidates will be able to calculate their scores before the final result. To calculate the scores, candidates must go through the post-wise RRB Exam Pattern.

Steps to calculate the RRB NTPC scores:

  1. Add one mark for each correct answer.
  2. Deduct 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
  3. The total marks will be based on the number of correct answers after deducting 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

RRB Cut-off

RRB will release the RRB NTPC Cut-off along with the result on the official website. Cut-off scores will be released after each stage of the exam. It is the minimum qualifying marks that candidates need to score to qualify in the exam and become eligible for the next stage of the selection process. The RRB NTPC Cut-off will be released for different zones and categories. To check cut-off scores, candidates should enter their login credentials on the official website.

Steps to Check RRB NTPC Cut-off

Candidates must check the following steps to download RRB NTPC Cut-off from the official website.

– 1st Step: Go to the official website of RRB at rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in.
– 2nd Step: Click on the Result Tab on the homepage.
– 3rd Step: Click on the relevant link (shown on the image below) to view RRB NTPC Category-wise Cut-off.

RRB Muzaffarpur Result

– 4th Step: A new page will appear. It displays the category-wise cut-off marks for various NTPC posts.
– 5th Step: Download the cut-off pdf and save it for future reference.

RRB NTPC Category-wise Minimum Passing Marks

CategoryMinimum Passing Marks
General40% Marks
OBC30% Marks
SC30% Marks
ST25% Marks

RRB Muzaffarpur expected Vacancy

The NTPC vacancy for RRB Muzaffarpur candidates can check the table below to know the details.

RRB Muzaffarpur Vacancy for NTPC

Cat. No.Name of the PostLevelRegionURSCSTOBCEWSTotal
2Station Master6ECR6214215
3Goods Guard5ECR4212110
5Senior Clerk Cum
6Senior Commercial
Cum Ticket Clerk
9Commercial Cum
Ticket Clerk
11Junior Clerk Cum
RRB Total13251258734329

We have provided you with all the necessary information about RRB Muzaffarpur Result 2025. Candidates are requested to check the official website at rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in for the latest information on recruitment.

FAQs on RRB Muzaffarpur Result

Candidates can check the frequently asked questions given below to clear their doubts related to RRB Muzaffarpur JE Result.

Q. When will the RRB Muzaffarpur NTPC CBT 1 Result be released?
The RRB Muzaffarpur Result for NTPC CBT 1 is yet to be released. Candidates can check this article for direct links to download the results.
Q. What is the selection process for RRB Muzaffarpur JE Recruitment?
The selection process has four stages namely CBT 1, CBT 2, Medical Examination & Document Verification.
Q. When will RRB Muzaffarpur ALP Cut-off will be released?
The RRB ALP Cut-off will be released after the exam along with the result on the official website.
Q. What is the salary of a RRB Muzaffarpur JE?
The salary will be according to the 7th pay commission and it will be Rs. 35,400 per month.
Q. Will I get the RRB Muzaffarpur Result to my address?
A. No, you will have to download the result from the official website only.

Also, check,

RRB NTPC RecruitmentRRB NTPC Exam Dates
RRB NTPC StatusRRB NTPC Syllabus
RRB NTPC Cut-offRRB NTPC Preparation
RRB NTPC Question PapersRRB NTPC Salary

We hope that all your doubts related to RRB Muzaffarpur Result 2025 for various exams are resolved. Now, follow the steps given above to view and download your result. Be sure that you will get through the exam, and if not, you can try your luck next time. Believe that good preparation followed by a positive mental attitude will always take you to new heights.

If you have any questions about RRB Muzaffarpur Result 2025, you can drop your queries in the comments section below. We will get back to you at the earliest.

All The Best!

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