SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025: The SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025 exam official notification PDF will be released on the official website of SBI The candidates willing to apply for the Apprenticeship program with the State Bank of India must go through the detailed advertisement when released by SBI before applying for the vacancies. All the candidates can till then check the detailed notification of SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025 by clicking on the link given below for reference.
Candidates will be selected based on their performance in written tests and local language tests. Besides this, selected candidates may have to undergo a training period of one year, as mentioned in the official advertisement. We will provide you with detailed information on SBI Apprentice 2025 exam dates, vacancies, eligibility criteria, selection process, and exam pattern in this article.
SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025 Overview
Before getting into the details of SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025, let’s have an overview of the exam as mentioned below:
Before applying, candidates must check SBI Apprentice exam dates 2025 as given below:
Important Dates (Tentative)
SBI Apprentice Notification 2025 Release
To be announced
Start of SBI Apprentice Registration Process
To be announced
End of SBI Apprentice Registration Form
To be announced
End of Editing SBI Apprentice Application Form
To be announced
End of Printing SBI Apprentice Application Form
To be announced
Release of SBI Apprentice Admit Card
To be announced
SBI Apprentice Written Exam
To be announced
SBI Apprentice Result
To be announced
SBI Apprentice Vacancy 2025
A total of 6160 SBI Apprentice vacancies were released this year for different regions. Candidates were required to check the official recruitment notification of SBI Apprentice position for the details of vacancies.
SBI Apprentice 2025: Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must compulsorily meet the following SBI Apprentice eligibility criteria to be able to apply for the post of SBI Apprentice:
Age Limit
Candidates must have been a minimum of 20 years old and the maximum age limit is 28 years as on August 1, 2025. The notification includes everything in detail, such as when candidates must have been born — i.e., before or after a specific date. The provision for the relaxation in the upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates as per the government rules shall be applied as per the SBI rules.
Educational Qualification
The candidate must have completed the graduation in any discipline from a recognised University/Institute.
Note: Only the “person with benchmark disability” would be eligible for reservation with not less than 40% of a specified disability where specified disability has not been denied in measurable terms and includes a person with a disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority.
A person who wants to avail the benefit of reservation will have to submit the latest Disability Certificate, in the prescribed format, issued by the Medical Authority or any other notified Competent Authority (Certifying Authority) in the District of the applicant’s residence as mentioned in the proof of residence in the application. The certificate should be dated on or before the last date of registration of the application.
SBI Apprentice Salary
The candidates who get selected for the SBI Apprentice will get a stipend of Rs.15000/- per month during 1st year, Rs.16500/- per month during 2nd year and Rs.19000/- per month during 3rd year. The apprentices are not eligible for any other allowances/ benefits.
SBI Apprentice Apply Online 2025
Follow the steps below to apply online for SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025:
1st Step: Visit the SBI official website –
2nd Step: Now click on the ‘Career’ tab from the top right corner of the page.
3rd Step: Now click on the ‘Latest Announcements’ section from the top right corner of the page and click on ‘Apply Online‘ under ‘ENGAGEMENT OF APPRENTICES UNDER THE APPRENTICES ACT, 1961 ADVERTISEMENT NO: CRPD/APPR/2023-24/17’.
4th Step: Now click on “Click here for New Registration”.
5th Step: An instruction page will be displayed. Read it carefully and click on “Continue”.
6th Step: Enter your name, email ID and other details and click on “Save and Next”. A Registration ID and Password will be generated. Note it down for future reference.
7th Step: SBI Apprentice Login page with these credentials and upload the photo and signature in the prescribed format.
8th Step: After this, fill up the personal details, educational details and other details.
9th Step: Recheck all the details entered in the preview page and make necessary changes if needed. Now click on the ‘Submit’ for the final submission.
10th Step: Take a printout of the filled SBI Apprentice form for future reference.
SBI Apprentice Admit Card 2025
State Bank of India will released the SBI Apprentice admit cardtwo weeks before the exam. The candidate must download their admit card by entering their registration number and password or date of birth on the official website Besides this, the hard copy of the admit card and ‘acquaint yourself booklet’ will not sent via post or courier to the residential address.
SBI Apprentice 2025: Important Documents
The candidates appearing for the SBI Apprentice exam should carry one photo identity proof such as voter ID/Aadhaar card/PAN card/Passport with duly attested photograph and identity card by the Gazetted officer on the letterhead original and photocopy. Besides this, candidates should submit a photocopy of the identity proof and admit card to the invigilator on the day of the exam. Without these documents, candidates will not be permitted to take the exam.
SBI Apprentice Selection Process 2025
The selection process for SBI Apprentice involves the following two stages:
Online (Written Test)
Test of Local Language
Candidates will be selected for the local language test once he/she meets the qualifying marks. The bank will decide the minimum qualifying marks. The SBI Apprentice exam has no section-wise qualifying marks. There is only the overall cutoff. The officials will release a separate category-wise merit list for each state.
SBI Apprentice Exam Pattern 2025
The SBI Apprentice online written exam comprises only objective-type questions. The exam pattern of the written exam is as follows:
General/Financial Awareness
General English
Quantitative Aptitude
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude
The total time duration for the written exam is 60 minutes, i.e., 15 minutes allocated for each section.
Marking Scheme
– One mark will be awarded for every correct answer.
– 0.25 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
– The question paper will be bilingual – English & Hindi.
– Objective-type questions will be asked.
Local Language Test
Candidates applying for a particular state should be proficient (reading, writing, speaking and understanding) in any one of the specified local languages of that state. However, the candidates who have studied the local language at class 10th or 12th level will be exempted from the Local Language Test.
SBI Apprentice Exam Centres 2025
The SBI Apprentice exam centres in each of the states are as under:
Candidates can check out the detailed centre list through the official notification.
SBI Apprentice 2025: General Guidelines
Candidates must carefully read the instructions before applying for SBI Apprentice 2025:
Candidates should register themselves online on the official website.
In case of any doubts or queries, candidates can contact on 022-22820427 (between 11 am to 6 pm on working days).
Candidates should have valid email ID and mobile number which should be active till the results are declared. Officials will send SMS/Email regarding call letters or any other advice.
Candidates should scan their photograph along with their signature and documents as per the guidelines mentioned in the notification.
After filling out the registration, candidates will receive a registration number and password which should be saved for future purposes.
FAQs Related To SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025
The frequently asked questions regarding the SBI Apprentice 2025 are mentioned below:
Q: What is the last date to apply for SBI Apprentice Exam 2025?
A: The last date to fill out the SBI Apprentice application form is yet to be announced.
Q: How many vacancies have been released for SBI Apprenticeship 2025?
A: SBI is yet to be announced for SBI Apprentice 2025.
Q: What is the duration of SBI Apprenticeship 2025?
A: All the selected candidates will have to undergo a training period of one year.
Q: What is the age limit for SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025?
A: The lower and upper age limit for SBI Apprentice 2025 is 20 years and 28 years as on August 1, 2025.
Q: When is the SBI Apprentice Exam 2025?
A: The authorities will conduct the SBI Apprentice exam 2025 soon.
Q: How can I apply for SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025?
A: Candidates could apply online for SBI Apprentice 2025 recruitment on the SBI official website. We added a step-by-step approach to the SBI Apprentice 2025 online form submission.
The SBI Apprentice syllabus and exam pattern are similar to other SBI recruitment exams. Thus, take the SBI Clerk Prelims mock test. This will help you in your preparation.
We have now provided you with all the details on SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2025. Once you have applied for the exam, start your SBI Apprentice preparation.
We hope this article on SBI Apprentice recruitment 2025 helps you. If you have any questions, feel to post your queries in the comment section below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.