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February 1, 2025UP Board Results 2022: The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) released the UP board results for Classes 10 and Class 12 on June 18, 2022. The results were made available on the official website of the UP Board. To check their results, students had to enter the roll number and school code. Nearly 47 lakh students were eagerly waiting for their results and were advised to keep their admit cards handy before the result declaration.
The officials released the UP Board results for both Classes 10th and 12th in the form of a scorecard. The scorecard contained the subject-wise marks, overall score, passing status, and student details. Therefore, students can check their marks in all subjects from the scorecard and also calculate their percentages accordingly. Students who were not satisfied with their results could also opt for revaluation or re-verification. Continue reading to know more about the UP Board results 2022.
After the UP Board result 2021 Class 12, students are keen about the UP Board results for 2022. Before we jump into further details, let us have an overview of the UP Board exam:
Full Exam Name | Uttar Pradesh Board Examination |
Short Exam Name | UP Board |
Conducting Body | Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh |
Frequency of Conduct | Once a Year |
Exam Level | Intermediate |
Languages | English, Hindi and More |
Mode of Application | Offline |
Mode of Exam | Offline |
Exam Duration | 3 Hours 15 Minutes |
Candidates can follow the steps as listed below to check the UP high school and intermediate result 2022:
Step 1: Visit the official website of UP Results,
Step 2: If you are in Class 10, click on the link ‘U.P. Board High School (Class X) Examination – 2022 Results’.
Step 3: Then, enter your roll number.
Step 4: If you are in Class 12, Click on the link ‘U.P. Board Intermediate (Class XII) Examination – 2022 Results’. Enter your roll number and school code.
Step 5: Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Step 6: Your results will be displayed on the screen.
Students can check UP Class 10th and 12th results through SMS as well. Refer to the table below to know how students can check their results through SMS:
UP Board Class 10 Result Through SMS | UP10 <space> ROLL NUMBER | 56263 |
UP Board Class 12 Result Through SMS | UP12 <space> ROLL NUMBER | 56263 |
Candidates can check the following details mentioned on their UP Board Results 2022:
Apart from the official website, students can also refer to other websites for checking results. The list of websites where students can check the result is given below:
To understand the UP Board grading system, candidates can check the table below separately for Class 10 and 12. Grade A1 is allotted only to those candidates who have secured marks between 91 and 100. The grade point allotted for A1 is 10, while Grade A2 is allotted only to those candidates who have marks between the range of 81 and 90.
This grading system was used during the UP Board result 2021 Class 12 as well. To have a detailed understanding of the UP Board result grading system, check the table below:
Range of Marks | Grade Allotted | Grade Points |
91-100 | A1 | 10 |
81-90 | A2 | 9 |
71-80 | B1 | 8 |
61-70 | B2 | 7 |
51-60 | C1 | 6 |
41-50 | C2 | 5 |
33-40 | D | 4 |
21-32 | E1 | — |
Less than 21 | E2 | — |
The grading system of the UP 12th result for theory exams are tabulated below:
Grade | Percentage of Marks |
A1 | 91-100 |
A2 | 81-90 |
B1 | 71-80 |
B2 | 61-70 |
C1 | 51-60 |
C2 | 41-50 |
D | 33-40 |
E1 | 21-32 |
E2 | Less than 21 |
The grading system of the UP 12th result for practical exams are tabulated below:
Grade | Percentage of Marks |
A | 80-100 |
B | 60-79 |
C | 45-59 |
D | 33-44 |
E | Less than 33 |
Candidates who are taking admissions for further classes can visit the official website to obtain the digitally signed E-marksheets and submit the same. Once the situation is under control, the officials will circulate the hardcopy of the marksheets. However, the officials have not yet confirmed the release of digitally signed E-marksheets.
The details mentioned on the digitally signed UP Board E-mark sheet are as follows:
Candidates who are not satisfied with the Class 10 or Class 12 results can apply for UP Board result verification. Once the results are released, candidates can follow the steps listed below to apply for UP Board result verification are listed below:
Step 1: Visit the official website,
Step 2: Apply for UP 10th & 12th result verification through the online mode.
Step 3: Enter all the necessary details in the scrutiny forms.
Step 4: Process the application fee of Rs. 500 per subject.
Step 5: Submit the Uttar Pradesh Board result verification form in online mode.
Within 30 days, the UP Board verification results will be released online in PDF format. The steps to check the UP 10th & 12th verification results are listed below:
Step 1: Visit the official website of UPMSP,
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link ‘UP Board Scrutiny Result’.
Step 3: A list of PDFs will appear on the screen. Click on the region you belong to.
Step 4: Press ‘CTRL +F’ and enter your roll number.
Step 5: If your roll number is present then you have been qualified for the UP Board exam.
Students who failed in one or two subjects are eligible to appear for the UP Board compartment exam. The UP Board compartment exams will be held in the month of August 2022. The compartment exams were conducted only for the students of Class 10 until 2019. But from the year 2019, Class 12 students are also eligible for the UP Board Class 12 compartment exams.
Candidates who wish to appear in the compartment exams must register online within the prescribed dates. Those candidates who registered successfully for the UP Board compartment exam can download the hall ticket which will be released tentatively in the month of August 2022. It is to be noted that students without the compartment exam hall ticket will not be allowed to the exam hall.
Within 30 to 35 days from the commencement of the examination, the UPMSP will release the compartment exam results. Candidates can visit the official website of UPMSP ( to check the UP 10th & 12th exam compartment results.
Some frequently asked questions on UP Board Result 2022 are given below:
Q.1: When will the UP Board results 2022 will be declared?
Ans: The Uttar Pradesh Class 10 results 2022 were released on June 18, 2022 at 2 PM and the Class 12 results were also released on the same day at 4 PM.
Q.2: Where can I check the UP Board results 2022?
Ans: Students can check their Uttar Pradesh 10th or 12th results on and
Q.3: Will UP board 10th and 12th results be declared on different dates?
Ans: According to the officials, both the results are expected to be announced on June 15, 2022.
Q.4: Can I give the improvement exam on the UP Board?
Ans: Yes, If you have failed in one or two subjects, you are eligible to appear in the improvement exam.
Q.5: Can I study for UP Board exams on Embibe?
Ans: Yes, students can study for the UP Board exams on Embibe as it provides all the relevant study material to the students.
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