Uses of Boron and Aluminium and Their Compounds: Boron and Aluminium belong to the \({\rm{p}}\) block of the periodic table and are in the \({13^{{\rm{th}}}}\) group. The \({13^{{\rm{th}}}}\) group elements, collectively called the ‘Boron Family’, consist of Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium and Thallium. While the first member of the family, Boron is a non-metal, the rest show typical metallic characters. The exceptionally different behaviour of Boron is due to the fact that:
1. The atomic size and ionic size of Boron is extremely small in comparison with other members. 2. Boron has high ionization enthalpy. 3. It does not have a ‘d’ orbital in the valence shell.
Boron and Aluminium both form several important compounds which are used widely in the industry. The article will discuss the important compounds of Boron and Aluminium and their uses.
Important Compounds of Boron and Their Uses
Some important compounds of Boron and their uses are as follows:
Uses of Borax:\({\rm{N}}{{\rm{a}}_2}{{\rm{B}}_4}{{\rm{O}}_7}.10{{\rm{H}}_2}{\rm{O}}\)
Borax, or sodium tetraborate decahydrate, is used in:
1. Manufacture of glazes and enamels that are used for coating earthenware. The coating helps in making them heat resistant and resistant to stains and scratches. 2. It is used as a flux for soldering purposes 3. Borax is used in the preparation of medicinal soaps because of its antiseptic properties. 4. Borax is used in the manufacturing of borosilicate glasses, which have a low coefficient of thermal expansion and are heat resistant in nature. Example: Pyrex glass. 5. For preparation of Peroxoborate \(\left[ {{\text{N}}{{\text{a}}_2}\left[ {{{\left( {{\text{OH}}} \right)}_2}{\text{B}}{{\left( {{\text{O}} – {\text{O}}} \right)}_2}{\text{B}}{{\left( {{\text{OH}}} \right)}_2}} \right].6{{\text{H}}_2}{\text{O}}} \right]\) which is an important cleansing and bleaching agent used in washing powders. It is also called an optical brightener because it can absorb UV radiation and emit visible light. 6. Borax is used as a stiffening agent for candle wicks and for softening of water. 7. It is also used to provide a good finish to the laundry.
Uses of Orthoboric Acid:\({{\rm{H}}_3}{\rm{B}}{{\rm{O}}_3}\)
Boric acid or orthoboric acid is used in:
1. Manufacturing of heat-resistant borosilicate glasses. 2. It is used in the form of preservatives for milk and other food items. 3. Boric acid is used in the manufacture of glazes and enamels for pottery. 4. Boric acid is used in the form of ‘Boric lotion’, a mild antiseptic for eye-wash.
Uses of Boron Hydrides:\(({{\rm{B}}_{\rm{n}}}{{\rm{H}}_{{\rm{n}} + 4}}\& {{\rm{B}}_{\rm{n}}}{{\rm{H}}_{{\rm{n}} + 6}})\)
Diborane, one of the Boron hydrides, is used for:
1. Preparation of borohydrides like \({\text{LiB}}{{\text{H}}_4},\,{\text{NaB}}{{\text{H}}_4}\) and so on. 2. Diborane is also used in organic reactions as a reducing agent. 3. Diborane is used in supersonic rockets as fuel.
Uses of Boron
Boron, as an element, is extremely hard and a refractory solid. It has a very high melting point, thereby making it useful for several purposes. Also, with its low density and low electrical conductivity, Boron and its compounds find use in several industrial purposes. Some primary uses of Boron include:
1. Since the tensile strengths of Boron fibre are enhanced, they are used to manufacture bullet-proof vests and as a light-composite material for air-crafts. 2. Natural Boron is a mixture of \(20\% \) Boron-\(10\left( {{}_5^{10}{\text{B}}} \right)\) and \(80\% \) Boron – \(11\left( {{}_5^{11}{\text{B}}} \right).\) The speciality of Boron-\({\rm{10}}\) is that it can absorb low energy thermal neutrons to a very great extent. That is why the metal borides are used as protective shields and control rods in atomic reactors. 3. Recent researchers reveal the possibility of the use of \({\rm{B – 10}}\) compounds in cancer chemotherapy. 4. Boron and its compounds such as borax and boric acid are widely used in the production of heat-resistant Pyrex glasses, fibreglass and also in glass wool manufacturing. 5. Other than this, borax, due to its antiseptic properties, is used in medicinal soaps, in soldering as a flux and also in the production of enamels and glazes for earthenware such as pottery, tiles, etc. 6. Boron is used in the steel industry because it enhances the hardness of steel. That is why expensive metals like \({\text{Mo,}}\,{\text{Cr}}\) and \({\text{W}}\) are being replaced by Boron, thereby making the process cost-effective as well as efficient. 7. Due to their high energy and mass ratio, Boron compounds are highly acclaimed for their use as rocket fuels. Boron is useful in natural processes such as plant metabolism.
Uses of Aluminium
Aluminium occurs as a bright, silvery-white metal and has a very high tensile strength. Aluminium is used for several industrial and other applications. They are as follows:
1. Aluminium is a good conductor of electricity and is also very light in nature. It is, therefore, is used for manufacturing of electrical transmission cables and for winding of moving coils in dynamos and motors. 2. Aluminium is used for the manufacturing of aluminium paints which are used for the protection of zinc and iron. Example: Silver Paint is produced by mixing Aluminium with linseed oil, and it shines like silver, therefore the name. 3. Aluminium can resist corrosion and is a cheap metal. 4. It is used in the extraction process of chromium and manganese from their oxide ores. The powder of Aluminium metal is used as a reducing agent in the aluminothermic process for the extraction of chromium and manganese from their ores. 5. Since Aluminium is a cheap metal and can resist corrosion, it is used for making cans for soft drinks, utensils, toothpaste tubes, trays, picture frames, and many more. The aluminium frames for windows and angles for doors are used in the construction industry, too, again due to their non-corrosive property. Due to its corrosive effect, the use of Aluminium for household purposes is considerably reduced. 6. Foil made out of Aluminium is used for the wrapping of photographic films, pharmaceutical products, sweets, cigarettes, and so on. 7. Aluminium, in the form of its powder, is used in flashlight bulbs for indoor photography. 8. Aluminium hydroxide, \({\text{Al}}{\left( {{\text{OH}}} \right)_3}\) is used in the treatment of indigestion as an antacid. 9. Anhydrous \({\text{AlC}}{{\text{l}}_3}\) finds itself useful in several industrial and manufacturing processes, as a catalyst or in other forms. For example, it is used in the Friedel-Crafts reactions as a catalyst and also as a mordant in dyeing and in cracking of petroleum. 10. Another important complex of Aluminium, potash alum: \({{\text{K}}_2}{\text{S}}{{\text{O}}_4}.{\text{A}}{{\text{l}}_2}{\left( {{\text{S}}{{\text{O}}_4}} \right)_3}.24{{\text{H}}_2}{\text{O}}\) is used in the purification of water, in foam-based fire extinguishers, as a styptic for stopping bleeding, in dyeing as mordant and also for processes such as sizing of paper, calico printing and in the tanning of leather. 11. Aluminium alloys are used in various applications, as given in the table:
Name of the Alloy
Specific Properties
Uses of the Alloy
Aluminium-\(95\% \) Magnesium-\(5\% \)
The alloy formed is tough and strong, and at the same time, light too.
Due to its specific properties, Magnalium is used in the manufacture of pressure cookers, balance beams and light instruments
Aluminium Bronze
Aluminium – \(95\% \) Copper – \(5\% \)
The alloy comes with a golden lustre and is light and strong. It can also resist corrosion.
Anti-corrosive properties and lustre make it perfect for manufacturing coins, utensils, jewellery, picture frames and so on.
The mixture of metals forms an alloy that is tough, light and is resistant to corrosion too. It is also ductile.
The alloy is used in the manufacturing of aeroplanes, pressure cookers, automobile parts and so on.
Boron and Aluminium belong to the \({\rm{1}}{{\rm{3}}^{{\rm{th}}}}\) group of the periodic table and are placed in the ‘\({\text{P}}\)’ block. The various compounds formed by both Aluminium and Boron are extremely useful for both industrial purposes and for use in households. Boron, for instance, forms compounds such as borax, boric acid and Diborane, which are used in manufacturing and industrial applications. These compounds are used as rocket fuels, as antiseptics, for glazing earthenware and many more. Aluminium also is extremely useful individually for its lightweight and heat-resistant nature and high tensile strength. It is used in the manufacturing of utensils, soda cans, pharmaceutical packaging, and many more. The alloys formed by Aluminium find use in several areas, such as in the manufacturing of airplanes and in automobile parts.
Q.1. What are the uses of Boron and Aluminium and their compounds? Ans: Boron and its compounds have extremely hard refractory properties and are used for manufacturing bullet-proof vests and for enamels and glazing of earthware. Aluminium, on the other hand, is used for the manufacturing of transmission cables, pressure cookers and also in paints and many more.
Q.2. What are the similarities and differences between Boron and Aluminium? Ans: Boron and Aluminium both have high tensile strength. However, while Boron has low electrical conductivity, Aluminium is a good conductor of electricity.
Q.3. What is the composition of Magnalium and Aluminium bronze? Ans: Magnalium is an alloy of Aluminium and magnesium and has a composition of \({\rm{AI}} – 95\% \) and \({\rm{AI}} – 5\% \). Aluminium bronze is an alloy of Aluminium and Copper and has a composition of \({\rm{AI}} – 95\% \) and \({\rm{Cu}} – 5\% \).
Q.4.Why are peroxoborate called optical brighteners? Ans: Peroxoborate \([{\rm{N}}{{\rm{a}}_2}[{({\rm{OH}})_2}{\rm{B}}{({\rm{O}} – {\rm{O}})_2}{\rm{B}}{({\rm{OH}})_2}].6{{\rm{H}}_2}{\rm{O]}}\) is called an optical brightener because it can absorb UV radiation and emit visible light.
Q.5. What is the composition of silver paint? Ans: Silver paint is manufactured by mixing Aluminium with linseed oil, and it shines like silver.
We hope this article on Uses of Boron and Aluminium and Their Compoundshas helped you. If you have any queries, drop a comment below, and we will get back to you.