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February 3, 2025Uses of Carbon: Uses of carbon by man have had diverse reasons since the dawn of time, and it is a plentiful element in the Earth’s crust. The atomic number of carbon is 6 and belongs to Periodic Table group 14. Because of its tetravalency, carbon possesses a unique self-linking property known as ‘catenation.’ Catenation transforms carbon into a range of organic compounds.
Coal, charcoal, and their allotropic form (diamond, graphite, and fullerene) are all examples of carbon in nature. These carbon forms are utilised to make a variety of things that we use every day. The human body, for example, contains significant amounts of carbon. Food, plants, timber, fossil fuels, methane gas, and petroleum products all contain it. Read more to learn about the uses of carbon, carbon melting point, and more.
Several different forms of carbon are also used in multiple fields. For example, carbon fibres are used to make tennis rackets, fishing rods, and aeronautical devices, carbon black is used for cutting and drilling rocks, and diamonds are used in cutting and drilling rocks. Coal is the main source of energy used in thermal power plants.
To put it another way, we can say that our lives are “carbon-based.” Almost all biological compounds have it as their backbone. Carbon is extremely useful in all areas of Science, including chemical, physical, and biological research. The various uses of carbon are listed below:
Carbon is an abundant element in nature. It has some unique properties that help it to form various substances. Carbon also forms strong covalent bonds. The various properties of carbon are listed below:
Chemical Symbol | C |
Atomic Mass | \(12.0107{\rm{u}}\) |
Atomic Number | \(6\) |
Electronic Configuration | \([{\rm{He}}]2\;{{\rm{s}}^2}2{{\rm{p}}^2}\) |
Group | \(14\) |
Block | p |
Melting Point | \(3,{550^ \circ }{\rm{C}}\left( {6,{{420}^ \circ }{\rm{F}}} \right)\) |
Boiling Point | \(4,{827^ \circ }{\rm{C}}\left( {8,{{721}^ \circ }{\rm{F}}} \right)\) |
Density | \(2.26\;{\rm{g}}/{\rm{c}}{{\rm{m}}^3}\) |
Allotropes | Diamond, Graphite, and Fullerene |
Forms of elements that exist in more than one crystalline form are known as allotropes. Carbon exists in three allotropic forms. The main three allotropes of carbon are diamond, graphite, and fullerene. Though they all are made up of carbon all have different properties. Diamond is one of the hardest naturally occurring substances. They are transparent, abrasive, thermal conductors, and electrical insulators. On the other hand, graphite is one of the softest substances. Unlike diamond, graphite is opaque, a good lubricant, a good conductor of electricity, and a thermal insulator. Other than diamond and graphite, allotropes of carbon include buckminsterfullerene (fullerenes), amorphous carbon, carbon nanotubes, and others.
Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas that keeps the earth warm by trapping heat energy from the sun in our atmosphere. Different uses of \({\rm{C}}{{\rm{O}}_{\rm{2}}}\) are:
1. In respiration: Carbon dioxide is exhaled by human beings and animals during breathing. This \({\rm{C}}{{\rm{O}}_{\rm{2}}}\) is taken up by plants during photosynthesis, and in this manner, the carbon cycle is maintained in the ecosystem.
2. In Food Industry: Carbonated beverages are widely used in food industries.
3. In Fire Extinguishers: Carbon dioxide is used in fire extinguishers. They work by displacing oxygen in the area that has caught fire.
4. Other uses of carbon dioxide are in making fuels, polymers, fertilizers, proteins, etc.
Carbon fiber, also known as graphite fiber is a strong, stiff, and lightweight material that is popularly used in high-performance as well as specialized products like:
1. Aircraft and race cars.
2. Sports equipment such as tennis rackets, softball bats, hockey sticks, and archery arrows, golf clubs and bows, etc. Carbon fiber is a lighter-weight substance and based on strength, has the potential to replace steel. This special property is an advantage for using carbon fibers in such areas.
Carbon black is a black pigment that is traditionally produced by charring organic materials such as wood. Various uses of black carbon are:
Cylindrical molecules of rolled-up sheets of single-layer carbon atoms (graphene) are known as carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Uses of CNTs are:
Though carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, still it is used in some areas such as:
1. Carbon monoxide acts as a reducing agent in the conversion of the naturally occurring metal oxides to pure metal.
2. It is used in the manufacture of a variety of chemicals such as alcohols, acids, esters, etc.
Carbonic acid is a dibasic acid with the chemical formula \({{\rm{H}}_2}{\rm{C}}{{\rm{O}}_3}\). Some of its uses are mentioned below:
1. They are used in the preparation of beverages like carbonated water, sparkling wine, and other aerated.
2. \({{\rm{H}}_2}{\rm{C}}{{\rm{O}}_3}\) is used in the precipitation of many ammonium salts.
3. It helps in the transportation of carbon dioxide out of the body as it plays an important role in the bicarbonate buffer system, which is used to maintain acid-base homeostasis.
There are countless compounds that are made up of carbon. Some of the uses of carbon compounds are listed below:
In a nutshell, Carbon is a very unique and interesting element. It is used in so many places that it cannot be pinned down easily. Carbon is non-metal. It occurs in State as well as in a combined state in nature. It is quite abundant in the earth’s crust. All living creatures are made up of this element.
Carbon forms a huge number of elements with itself (catenation) as well as with other elements. Due to its unique behaviour, a separate field known as ‘organic chemistry’ is introduced to study hydrocarbon compounds. Hence, there are enormous uses of carbon such as in the form of hydrocarbons, organic compounds, carbon black, carbon fibers, nanotubes, fire extinguishers, etc.
Allotropes of carbon are also widely used nowadays such as diamond jewellery; graphite is used as good electrical conductors in electrical appliances, as lubricants, and many more. Thus, we can understand how important this element is for us! Many research works are still going on to unwrap the uses of carbon.
Below are the most frequently asked questions on Uses of Carbon:
Ans: The five uses of carbon are: Human body is made up of carbon as they behave as building blocks of our body in the form of hydrocarbons. Carbon dioxide is one of the most important gases present in the atmosphere. We release carbon dioxide during respiration and plants inhale them. Carbon is present widely in fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc. Allotropes of carbon are used for various purposes. Like, diamond is used for making tools for cutting or drilling, graphite is used in making electrical appliances, etc., Carbon rubbers; shoe soles, tires of vehicles, etc. are made up of carbon.
Ans: Carbon is important for life because our body is made up of hydrocarbon compounds. Carbohydrates provide us with energy. Also, we exhale carbon dioxide gas during respiration and plants take in this gas. Thus, without carbon, we can’t survive.
Ans: Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that is formed by the incomplete combustion of compounds containing carbon.
Ans: Carbon is a naturally occurring element that is made up of only one kind of atom. They exist in the solid state at room temperature. Coal, charcoal, etc. are some forms of carbon.
Ans: Carbon in its elemental form is non-toxic but some forms of carbon like carbon black when inhaled damage lungs and other respiratory organs. Carbon dioxide exposure causes allergic reactions, headaches, breathlessness, etc. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas and can even be fatal if exposed to large quantities.
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Now that you are provided with all the necessary information on the Uses of Carbon, we hope this detailed article proves helpful. Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest updates.