• Written By Pavithra VG
  • Last Modified 27-10-2022

Uses of Soil: Meaning, Types, Benefits


Uses of Soil: We all eat different types of food in order to grow and meet our body’s nutritional needs. So, where do plants receive the nutrients they need to grow? Plants do, in fact, receive nutrients from the earth via their roots. Is the soil in different parts of the country the same?

Do all soil types have the same nutritional content? What is the rationale for various crops being grown in different sections of the country? In this article, Soil Uses, you’ll find the answers to all of these fascinating topics (Soil and Crops). What is soil? will be discussed in this article.

What is Soil?

The earth has land and water. Nearly one-fourth of the earth’s surface is land, and three fourth is water. A good part of the land on earth is rocky, and the rest is covered with soil. Soli is an important natural resource. The top-most layer of earth’s crust is called the soil. Soil is porous and soft. Soil includes minerals and humus.

How is Soil Formed?

Soil is formed by the weathering of rocks and by the action of wind, water, and climate. Soil forms continuously but slowly from the gradual breakdown of rocks through weathering. The process of breaking down bigger rocks, parent material into smaller pieces by the action of natural forces such as water, air, temperature, wind, plant roads, mechanical collision, etc., is called weathering. The weathering may be physical, chemical, or biological.

Learn About Soil Profile Here

What is the Composition of the Soil?

Soil is not the same at all places. The colour and quality of the soil differ from place to place. This is mainly because of the presence of different components at different places in the soil. Some common components present in all the soils are,

  1. Rock and soil particles of different kinds and sizes
  2. Variety of mineral salts present in the soil
  3. Soil water
  4. Soil air
  5. Soil organisms like fungus, microbes, worms, insects, etc.
  6. Humus is the dead organic matter. Humus makes the soil fertile. It is dark in colour and increases its water and air retention capacity.

What are the Types of Soil?


Soil is classified into different types based on the size of the particles it contains. There are mainly three basic types of soils. These are sandy soil, clay soil, and loam soil. The differences in the composition of these three types of soil and their properties are discussed below:

Sandy Soil

  1. Soil has more air spaces due to bigger particles.
  2. It is highly porous.
  3. More than \(2/{3^{{\rm{rd}}}}\) of soil is sand, and \(1/{3^{{\rm{rd}}}}\) is clay.
  4. It has poor water retention due to the high porosity.
  5. Sandy soil is less fertile, it lacks humus and does not suitable for the growth of all plants
  6. It is suitable for the growth of watermelon, peaches and other xerophytes.
  7. It is light and tends to blow away if it is left bare.
  8. It is not sticky hence cannot be used to make pots, bricks, toys, statues, etc.

Clayey Soil

  1. Soil has small air spaces due to fine particles.
  2. Porosity is less than that of sandy soil.
  3. More than \(2/{3^{{\rm{rd}}}}\) of the soil is clay.
  4. It is rich in minerals and more fertile than sandy soil.
  5. It has high water retention due to its very small and tightly packed particles.
  6. Soil becomes sticky when wet. It becomes hard when dry and forms deep cracks.
  7. It contains humus.
  8. It is used for making pots, bricks, toys, statues, etc., due to its sticky nature.
  9. Crops that can grow well in this soil are beans, carrots, rice, etc.

Loam Soil

  1. Soil has more air space than clay and less than sandy soil.
  2. It has required porosity for plants to grow.
  3. It has sand and silt in equal amounts, about \(2/{5^{{\rm{th}}}}\) each, and \(1/{5^{{\rm{th}}}}\) of the soil is clay.
  4. It has moderate water retention, which is required for the plant to grow.
  5. It has a high humus content.
  6. It is good for the cultivation of crops and gardening.

What are the Uses of Soil?

Soil is of great importance to us and to the entire living world because it supports the growth of plants. Following are some of the uses of soil.

  1. Soil (clayey soil) is used to make pots, bricks, toys, statues, etc.
  2. The microorganisms living in the soil help in recycling nutrients from dead plants and animals.
  3. Different types of soils are used to produce different kinds of crops that are necessary for humans and animals for their food.
  4. Soil is important for the growth of the forest. Forests are the sources of timber, many medicinal plants, it is the habitat for many animals, birds, etc.
  5. Soil is also habitat for many microorganisms, insects, earthworms, bacteria, fungi, etc.
  6. Soil is used for construction purposes.
  7. Some soils are used in beauty products.
  8. Soil helps in the filtering and purification of water.
  9. Soil helps in the prevention of water runoff.

Soil and Crops

The soil at different places is different. The soil may be sandy, clay or loamy. Soil may differ in colour, texture, nutrient level, etc. Some soils are brown, some are black, and some are mixed colours. The nature of the soil at a particular place is affected by the climatic factors such as rainfall, temperature, wind, etc., of that place.

Depending upon the soil quality, the climatic condition of the area, availability of water and soil type, different crops are grown in a different area. Some of them are as follows:

  1. The wheat and sugarcane crops are grown in loam with more clay. The regions have average rainfall with irrigation facilities.
  2. Maize and coarse crops are summer crops grown in almost all regions. It requires a temperature between \(21 – 27\) degree Celsius, and it grows well in old alluvial soil.
  3. Millets like jowar, bajra and sorghum crops are grown in sandy regions. They grow well in sandy and airy soils, maybe with scanty rains.
  4. Fruits and vegetable crops are grown in humus rich soils and under different climatic conditions. Apple and plum trees grow well in hills below the snow-covered peaks, mango in plains with clay soils, bananas in yellow-brown soil and so on.
  5. Peanuts grow well in partly sandy soil.
  6. Cotton grows when in black soil and sandy loam. Because black soil is ideal for growing cotton, it is also called black cotton soil. The soil should have an average temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit at a depth of 8 inches for optimal cotton seed germination.
  7. Jute and rice are cultivated in clay soils, which retain a good amount of water. They grow well in waterlogged soil.
  8. Tea, coffee, rubber, coconut and areca nuts grow well in the lateritic soil.


The loose surface layer that covers the majority of land is known as soil. It is made up of both inorganic and organic particles. Soil offers structural support for agricultural plants as well as a source of water and nutrients. Chemical and physical qualities of soils vary widely. Leaching, weathering, and microbiological activity all work together to create a diverse spectrum of soil types. For agricultural output, each variety has distinct strengths and limitations.

In the article, Uses of Soil (Soil And Crops), you have gained knowledge about the meaning of soil, soil formation, components of soil. You can explain the characteristics of three types of soil, i.e., clayey soil, sandy soil, and loam soil. You can also explain the uses of soil and different types of crops grown in different types of soil.

FAQs on Uses of Soil (Soil And Crops)

Q.1. What is soil?
Ans: Soli is an important natural resource. The top-most layer of earth’s crust is called the soil. Soil is porous and soft. Soil includes minerals and humus.

Q.2. What are the uses of soil?
Ans: Some of the uses of soil are:
a) Soil (clayey soil) is used to make pots, bricks, toys, statues, etc.
b) The microorganisms living in the soil help in recycling nutrients from dead plants and animals.
c) Different types of soils are used to produce different kinds of crops that are necessary for humans and animals for their food.
d) Soil is also a habitat for many microorganisms, insects, earthworms, bacteria, fungi, etc.
e) Soil is used for construction purposes.

Q.3. What are the types of soil?
Ans: Soil is classified into different types based on the size of the particles it contains. There are mainly three basic types of soils. These are sandy soil, clay soil, and loam soil.

Q.4. What is the importance of soil in chemistry? What is the importance of soil?
Ans: Soil is of great importance to us and to the entire living world because it supports the growth of plants, it is important for the cultivation of different types of crops, it is the habitat for different kinds of microorganisms, insects, earthworms, fungus, bacteria, etc.

Q.5. Which is the most fertile soil?
Ans: The most fertile soil is alluvial soil.

Learn About Soil Types

We hope this article on the uses of soil is helpful to you. If you have any queries on Soil uses, ping us through the comment box below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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