Embium Rewards

Embium is a currency that will be rewarded to students for their engagement with learning objects on Embibe. Embiums can be used to avail future premium content/services by the students.

Use Cases

  1. Positive Reinforcement: Encouraging users to continue engaging with the platform and in turn learn more.
  2. Single source of currency on the entire platform to be exchanged between Student | Parent | Teacher.
  3. Availing premium activities and goodies which will be declared in future.
    1. One on One doubt solving sessions
    2. Live Classes
    3. Counseling for Future Goal

Type of Rewards

  1. Feature Discovery
    1. When the user discovers a new feature on the platform like Big Book Practice, Book TOC Learn Experience, Test Feedback Interactions, etc.
  2. Content Object Reward
    1. Consumption of Video/Coobo or solving a question.
  3. Behaviour Rewards
    1. Rewarding students on the timeliness of attempts and the way they consume video (no skipping).
    2. The intent here is to drive students towards timeliness i.e, positive behaviors. This will allow students to build intuition of the required time on a question.
  4. Effort Rewards
    1. Rewarding students on the extra mile they go. Example:
      1. Using Recommended Learning and Recommended Practice for Test.
      2. Practicing / Learning from Prerequisite Topics.
    2. The intent here is to encourage students to put more effort even if they experience failures or success.


  1. Embium Rewards Rules (DSL): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1Jxv0ANny_gkD0dXMKRrr53CGNmYl6IirQoYGmKQJwv8/edit?ts=606079d3#gid=647742163
  2. Tech Implementation Details: Embium Service
  3. Practice Implementation fo Embiums: Embium For Practice