

  • 500+ 3D Experiments
  • AI-Powered Evaluation
  • Unlimited Practice

EMBIBE Lab Experiments: Learn Simulations and Experiments

Embibe Content World

About EMBIBE Lab Experiments

EMBIBE is an ed-tech platform providing students various educational resources and tools. One of these tools is the EMBIBE Lab Experiments. It is a simulated laboratory environment to help students learn and practice various scientific experiments. The Embibe Lab Experiments cover a wide array of experiments for concepts based on physics, chemistry, and biology, mapped to CBSE and NCERT topics and lab manuals.

The experiments are interactive and enable students to perform them virtually. Students can select and mix the chemicals, measure temperature, and observe chemical reaction changes in the comfort of their homes. The virtual lab also provides feedback to students on their performance and allows them to repeat experiments to improve their understanding. Overall, the Embibe Lab Experiments is a useful tool for students who may need access to physical laboratory equipment or who want to practice experiments in a safe and controlled environment.

Virtual Experiment Demo Video

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Lab Experiments Features

Embibe Content World
Introduction Video
Introduction Video

Embibe Virtual Labs captivate students with real-life concepts via intro videos. 3D ‘Aim & Apparatus’ video describes materials and connects experiment to practical scenarios. ‘Theory’ video explains concepts, enabling students to connect theory and practice for comprehensive learning.

Real-time Feedback
Real-time Feedback

In the virtual lab environment, student actions are recorded to generate comprehensive performance reports. These reports provide valuable insights to teachers, helping them identify learning gaps and areas where students may need additional support.

DIY experiment Virtual Laboratory Experience
DIY experiment Virtual Laboratory Experience

The DIY approach lets users select virtual apparatus, conduct experiments, record observations, and draw conclusions. It includes practice questions for learning reinforcement. Fosters understanding, enhances critical thinking, and promotes student engagement.

Built-in Numerical Pad and Graphing Tool
Built-in Numerical Pad and Graphing Tool

The virtual lab provides a numpad interface for accurate data recording. Students can input numerical data into an observation table using options like submit, retry, and autofill. Graphs are generated based on recorded data, visually representing the results.

Evaluation mode
Evaluation mode

This module prepare students for viva voce with interactive/text-based questions. Develop time management skills and effective responses in an exam-like environment, readying them for practical and theoretical assessment of experiments.

Dedicated 3D Animations and Molecular Views
Dedicated 3D Animations and Molecular Views

The integration of dedicated 3D animation makes theoretical principles engaging and easier to grasp. It illustrates chemical processes, balanced equations, molecular structures, and biological processes, demonstrating comprehensive manner.

Lab Manual Content
Lab Manual Content

The lab manual content contains all the necessary instructions, procedures, and theoretical concepts required to perform the experiment. This feature not only facilitates the smooth execution of the experiment.

Learn Prerequisite on Each Topic
Learn Prerequisite on Each Topic

Embibe Virtual Lab offers videos for conceptual understanding. Explainer videos provide in-depth explanations, helping grasp underlying concepts. This comprehensive approach equips students to ace each concept.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Embibe Content World

Q.1: What is Embibe Lab Experiments app?

Ans: Embibe experiment app is an app which contains a virtual 3D experience of experiments performed in school labs for the subjects from all subjects Physics, Chemistry and Biology from grades 9th to 12th.

Q.2: What are the advantages of using Embibe Lab Experiments app?

Ans: Here are some advantages:
– Best 3D animation with realistic movements of objects/animals that gives real-time feelings e.g.
– Run-time visualisation, which includes cutting, pouring, burning, weighing, colour-change and many more
– Ideal movements of animals in natural environments
– Best 3D visuals showing cellular/molecular level interactions that are not possible to see with the naked eyes
– Different modes of interactivity like dragging/tapping the objects, Multiple-choice Questions (MCQs), – – Observation Tables, Graphical representations
– Detailed stepwise instructions to play with extra information and precaution wherever required
– To assess the knowledge using multiple-choice questions related to that particular simulation in between the steps and in the individual section, named ‘Evaluation’.
– Access and play anytime, anywhere on any platform Web, Device (Android, iOS) etc.

Q.3: Will Embibe Lab Experiments help save time?

Ans: It does help save time and also helps to simulate some difficult, time-consuming, elaborate experiments that schools at times tend to avoid due to time crunch. These experiments, too, can be performed, and the time frame is reduced while the understanding of the concept is accurate, which adds value for the user.

Q.4: What is Simulation?

Ans: It is a recreation of the lab experiment with all steps and precautions provided so the user can perform the experiment and answer the conceptual questions. So, along with experimenting, they are developing a clear conceptual base for their viva exam.

Q.5: Do I need the Embibe Experiments app if I go to school, tuition or coaching classes?

Ans: Even if you go to school and pay tuition, you will still need the virtual lab experiments and enjoy doing them as they are fun and engaging. The concepts and procedures are well explained. Also, the microscopic and molecular reactions etc., are well integrated, which adds a lot of value to the topic itself! So it is much beyond just simple video or chalk and talks teaching. Doing helps in understanding and better retention.

Q.6: Is Embibe Experiments App free to use?

Ans: The Embibe Experiment App is absolutely free! If you are an Android user, you can download this app from the Google Play Store; if you are an iPhone user, you can download this app from Apple App Store for free of cost.

Q.7: How to sign in to Embibe Experiements app?

Ans: Download the Embibe Experiment App from your play store or app store. And simply login to the app using your valid mobile number or email ID.

Q.8: Why should educational institutions leverage virtual lab simulations?

Ans: The institutions should do so because virtual lab simulations offer educational institutions a transformative approach to hands-on learning. They provide a secure and flexible environment for students to conduct experiments, catering to various subjects and learning styles. Students can repeat experiments for a deeper grasp of concepts and access labs remotely, promoting accessibility and adaptability. These simulations reduce costs associated with physical labs and ensure uninterrupted learning, even in challenging times. In essence, leveraging virtual lab simulations empowers institutions to enhance the quality and flexibility of education, fostering critical thinking and practical skills among students.

Q.9: Which Subjects are covered in Embibe Experiments app?

Ans: All three subjects of science are covered, namely Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Q.10: Are the Virtual Labs fun? Will they engage students?

Ans: Virtual labs are engaging to support deep learning. Gamified learning is used to engage students in science. In fact, designers ensure that our science simulations maintain students’ attention, interest, and participation. The best part of using our simulations is: “Students are not sitting in front of the computer watching a video of someone lecturing to them. They’re engaged; they’re playing. It is motivating, not boring.”

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