A K Srivastava Solutions for Chapter: Metals and Non-metals, Exercise 5: Practice Questions
A K Srivastava Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - A K Srivastava Solutions for Chapter: Metals and Non-metals, Exercise 5: Practice Questions
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 3: Metals and Non-metals, Exercise 5: Practice Questions with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Science Chemistry solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from A K Srivastava Solutions for Chapter: Metals and Non-metals, Exercise 5: Practice Questions with Hints & Solutions
Write two uses of the following.

Write two uses of the following.
Stainless steel.

Write two uses of the following.

The galvanised iron article is protected against rusting even if the zinc layer is broken. Give reason.

Why does an aluminium vessel lose shine so soon after use?

Pure iron is soft and stretches very easily when hot. How does this property of iron change when a small amount of carbon is mixed with it?

Pure iron is soft and stretches very easily when hot. How does this property of iron change when nickel and chromium are mixed with it?