Poonam Singh, Satyam and, Dinesh Kumar Solutions for Chapter: Light, Shadows and Reflections, Exercise 4: Chapter Test
Poonam Singh Science Solutions for Exercise - Poonam Singh, Satyam and, Dinesh Kumar Solutions for Chapter: Light, Shadows and Reflections, Exercise 4: Chapter Test
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections, Exercise 4: Chapter Test with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. All in One - Science solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Poonam Singh, Satyam and, Dinesh Kumar Solutions for Chapter: Light, Shadows and Reflections, Exercise 4: Chapter Test with Hints & Solutions
Name the property which illustrate that we cannot see object behind a wall.

Name the object which produces diffused reflection.

How is translucent medium different from a transparent medium?

How can you define 'pinhole camera'?

Explain the phenomenon, why do we see bright circular patches when we pass through a dense tree?

Explain how we see the surrounding things. Also describe why different coloured objects seem by us differently.

A beam of light changes its direction after falling on a mirror. Prove it with an activity.

Write about mirror reflection with examples.