Exercise - 4
Embibe Experts Physics Solutions for Exercise - 4
Simple step-by-step solutions to Exercise - 4 questions of Rotational Mechanics from Alpha Question Bank for Engineering: Physics. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from Exercise - 4 with Hints & Solutions
A particle moves along a closed trajectory in a central field of force where the particle's potential energy ( is a positive constant, is the distance of the particle from the centre of the field). Find the mass of the particle if its minimum distance from the point equals and its velocity at the point farthest from equals .

The angular momentum of a particle relative to a certain point varies with time as , where and are constant vectors, with . Find the force moment relative to the point acting on the particle when the angle between the vectors and equals .

A plank of mass , with a uniform sphere of mass placed on it, rests on a smooth horizontal plane. A constant horizontal force is applied to the plank. With what accelerations will the plank and the centre of the sphere move, provide there is no sliding between the plank and the sphere?

A force is applied to a point whose radius vector, relative to the origin of coordinates , is equal to , where , , and are constants, and and are the unit vectors along and -axes. Find the moment and the arm of the force , relative to the point .

A uniform cylinder of radius and mass can rotate freely about a stationary horizontal axis . A thin cord of length and mass is wound on the cylinder in a single layer. Find the angular acceleration of the cylinder as a function of the length of the hanging part of the cord. The wound part of the cord is supposed to have its centre of gravity on the cylinder axis.

A point is located on the rim of a wheel of radius which rolls without slipping along a horizontal surface with velocity as shown in figure. Find:
(a) the modulus and the direction of the acceleration vector of the point ;
(b) the total distance s traversed by the point between the two successive moments at which it touches the surface.

A uniform sphere of mass and radius rolls without sliding over a horizontal plane, rotating about a horizontal axle . In the process, the centre of the sphere moves with velocity along a circle of radius Find the kinetic energy of the sphere.

Consider a bicycle in vertical position accelerating forward without slipping on a straight horizontal road. The combined mass of the bicycle and the rider is and the magnitude of the accelerating torque applied on the rear wheel by the pedal and gear system is . The radius and the moment of inertia of each wheel is and (with respect to the axis) respectively. The acceleration due to gravity is .
(a) Draw the free diagram of the system (bicycle and rider ).
(b) Obtains the acceleration in terms of the above-mentioned quantities.
(c) For simplicity assume that the centre of mass of the system is at height from the ground and equidistant at from the centre of each of the wheels. Let be the coefficient of friction (both static and dynamic) between the wheels and the ground. Consider and no slipping. Obtain the conditions for the maximum acceleration of the bike.
(d) For calculate .