Solutions of Light from SCIENCE For Class 8
B K Gowel Science Solutions from Chapter 16 - Light
BK GOWEL and SANGEETA's SCIENCE For Class 8 detailed solutions to all the exercises of Light for 8th CBSE are provided here. The topics covered are such as Vision, Light and, Reflection Of Light. The points to remember in the BK GOWEL and SANGEETA's Book Solutions is ideal for quick revision.
Practice Other Topics from Light
This topic introduces us to light and its importance. It teaches us that light is essential to see things. Visibility will not be possible if there is no light. It is the presence of light and eyes that helps us see.

The topic describes visibility and explores the sources of light. Sun is the main source of light. It explains luminous and non-luminous objects with examples. It further talks about the point source of light.

The topic discusses the reflection of light that is when light approaches a smooth surface and bounces back. It explains regular and diffused reflection and scattering of light in detail.

The topic explores the possibilities of the reflection of light on a mirror. It includes an experiment with a plane mirror to show how light reflects off it. It also discusses the characteristics of an image formed on the plane mirror.

The topic explains how multiple images are formed, and reflected light is reflected. The multiple reflections are easily explained with the help of several mirrors at a salon. All the observations are described with the help of images and diagrams.

This topic focuses on the uses of a plane mirror. It explains the working of instruments like kaleidoscope and periscope, which use plane mirrors. A kaleidoscope picture is given to show the pattern formed due to the strips of the plane mirror.

Through this topic, we learn about the formation of a rainbow by the dispersion of light. The experiment with a prism is also given to show the spectrum of light. Dispersion leads to the splitting of white light into a band of colours.

This topic compares our eyes to a camera. A detailed description of the human eye is provided with a labelled figure. It further presents the structure and working of an eye. It describes all the parts and their functions.

This topic explores the sense of vision and how it works. It discusses the defects of the eyes, diseases of eyes, colour blindness, and stereoscopic vision. It also explains how to take care of our eyes.

The topic explains that blindness can be caused due to damage to the lens, cornea, or complete eye. It briefs on the Braille system, which was developed for blind people to study. It also encourages to do good to humanity by donating eyes.