Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Magnetic Effect of Current, Exercise 1: Exercise-1
Embibe Experts Physics Solutions for Exercise - Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Magnetic Effect of Current, Exercise 1: Exercise-1
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 25: Magnetic Effect of Current, Exercise 1: Exercise-1 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Beta Question Bank for Engineering: Physics solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Magnetic Effect of Current, Exercise 1: Exercise-1 with Hints & Solutions
The value of earth magnetic field gauss. In this magnetic field a magnet is oscillating with oscillation/min. To increase the oscillation of magnet upto oscillation/min. The value of earth magnetic field increased by:

Tangent galvanometer is used to measure:

Value of earth's magnetic field at any point is . This field is neutralised by field which is produced at the centre of a current carrying loop of radius . The current in the loop (approx)

A vertical straight conductor carries a current vertically upwards. A point lies to the east of it at a small distance and another point lies to the west at the same distance. The magnetic field at is:

Using mass , length , time and current as fundamental quantities, the dimension of permeability is:

Which physical quantity has dimensions :

Intensity of magnetic field of the earth at a point inside a hollow iron box is :

The relative permeability of air is: