Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Chemical Kinetics, Exercise 4: EXERCISE-III (Analytical Questions)
Embibe Experts Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Chemical Kinetics, Exercise 4: EXERCISE-III (Analytical Questions)
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 10: Chemical Kinetics, Exercise 4: EXERCISE-III (Analytical Questions) with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Beta Question Bank for Medical: Chemistry solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Chemical Kinetics, Exercise 4: EXERCISE-III (Analytical Questions) with Hints & Solutions
The rate of a first order reaction is at concentration of the reactant. The half life of the reaction is :

The rate equation for the reaction : is found to be rate. The correct statement in relation to this reaction is that the

The half life of a radio isotope is four hours. If the initial mass of the isotope was 200 g, the mass remaining after 24 hours undecayed is

The rate of a chemical reaction doubles for every rise of temperature. If the temperature is raised by , the rate of the reaction increases by about.

For a first order reaction, Products, the concentration of changes from to in minutes The rate of reaction when the concentration of is is

A reactant (A) forms two products :
If , then k1 and k2 will be related as :

The rate of a reaction doubles when its temperature changes from to . Activation energy of such a reaction will be and

Assertion: rate of reaction doubles when the concentration of the reactant is doubles if it is a first order reaction.
Reason: rate constant also doubles.