Aiden Gill, Heidi Foxford and, Dorothy Warren Solutions for Chapter: Electrostatics and Electric Currents, Exercise 2: Exercise 2

Author:Aiden Gill, Heidi Foxford & Dorothy Warren

Aiden Gill Science Solutions for Exercise - Aiden Gill, Heidi Foxford and, Dorothy Warren Solutions for Chapter: Electrostatics and Electric Currents, Exercise 2: Exercise 2

Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 9: Electrostatics and Electric Currents, Exercise 2: Exercise 2 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Cambridge Lower Secondary Science Stage 9: Workbook solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from Aiden Gill, Heidi Foxford and, Dorothy Warren Solutions for Chapter: Electrostatics and Electric Currents, Exercise 2: Exercise 2 with Hints & Solutions

Lower Secondary Stage 9

Draw the symbol for an ammeter.

Lower Secondary Stage 9

Describe what the current in a circuit represents.

Lower Secondary Stage 9

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Complete the table that describes the four circuits in the diagrams above.

Circuit Series or Parallel Switches closed to make lamps light Components
a Series   A =
b   2 B =
c     C = 
d     D = resistor



Lower Secondary Stage 9

Look at the diagram of circuit b. Yuri reads in a textbook that the current in each branch of a circuit adds up. This would mean that:
Current from the cell = current in upper branch + current in lower branch

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What component should Yuri add to the circuit to measure the current?

Lower Secondary Stage 9

Look at the diagram of circuit b. Yuri reads in a textbook that the current in each branch of a circuit adds up. This would mean that:
Current from the cell = current in upper branch + current in lower branch

Question Image

Should this component be connected in series or in parallel.

Lower Secondary Stage 9

Look at the diagram of circuit b. Yuri reads in a textbook that the current in each branch of a circuit adds up. This would mean that:
Current from the cell = current in upper branch + current in lower branch

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Yuri only has one of these components. Describe how Yuri could use this component to test the statement in the textbook.

Lower Secondary Stage 9

The electric circuits in houses include circuit breakers or fuses. These are devices that stop the current if there is a fault.

Describe how a circuit breaker or a fuse can stop a current from flowing.

Lower Secondary Stage 9

The electric circuits in houses include circuit breakers or fuses. These are devices that stop the current if there is a fault.

Explain why a circuit breaker or fuse must always be connected in series with the devices connected to a circuit. What could happen if a circuit breaker was connected in parallel with the device that developed a fault?