Charu Maini, Meenambika Menon and, Vandana Saxena Solutions for Chapter: Electric Current, Exercise 6: EXERCISES
Charu Maini Science Solutions for Exercise - Charu Maini, Meenambika Menon and, Vandana Saxena Solutions for Chapter: Electric Current, Exercise 6: EXERCISES
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 12: Electric Current, Exercise 6: EXERCISES with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Head Start Science 6 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Charu Maini, Meenambika Menon and, Vandana Saxena Solutions for Chapter: Electric Current, Exercise 6: EXERCISES with Hints & Solutions
The _____ of a bulb glows when connected to a dry cell.

The _____ over an electric current-carrying wire acts as an insulator.

Name one good conductor of electric current and one insulator.

Draw a diagram showing a dry cell, a bulb and a switch connected to each other.

Write a short note on "Electricity at Home".

"Fuse is a safety device". Comment.

Would the bulb glow in the following circuits. Give reason for your answer.
Fig (a)
Fig (b)
Fig (c)

Though conductors allow electric current to pass through them but insulators are equally important in making an electrical device. Explain by giving examples.