Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Amines, Exercise 2: Level 2
Embibe Experts Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Amines, Exercise 2: Level 2
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 3: Amines, Exercise 2: Level 2 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Chemistry Crash Course JEE Main solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: Amines, Exercise 2: Level 2 with Hints & Solutions
Starting from propanoic acid, the following reactions were carried out: Propanoic acid . What is the compound ?

The major products and in the following sequence of transformations

An aromatic amine was treated with alcoholic potash and another compound , then the foul smelling gas is formed. The compound was formed by reacting compound with in the presence of slaked lime. The compound is:

Aniline, in a set of reactions yields a product . The structure of the product would be :

The major product of the reaction between -dinitrobenzene with is :

The product of the following reaction is

The compound reacts with benzensulfonyl chloride to give , which is insoluble in alkali. The compound is

Of the following amines, how many can give carbyl amine reaction?