RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Separating Substances, Exercise 4: Q
RoseMarie Gallagher Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Separating Substances, Exercise 4: Q
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 2: Separating Substances, Exercise 4: Q with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Complete Chemistry for Cambridge IGCSE® Second Edition solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from RoseMarie Gallagher and Paul Ingram Solutions for Chapter: Separating Substances, Exercise 4: Q with Hints & Solutions
How would you obtain pure water from seawater? Draw the apparatus, and explain how the method works.
Why are condenser called that? What is the cold water for?
You would not use exactly the same apparatus you used to separate pure water from seawater to separate ethanol and water. Why not?
Explain how fractional distillation works.
In the given chromatogram, how can you tell that 'X' does not contain the substance 'C'?
Look at the chromatogram above. Can you think of a way to separate the coloured substances from the paper?