R K Bansal Mathematics Solutions for EXERCISE
Simple step-by-step solutions to EXERCISE questions of Reflection (In x-axis, y-axis, x = a, y = a and the Origin; Invariant Points) from Concise Mathematics. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from EXERCISE with Hints & Solutions
Using a graph paper, plot the point and . Reflect and in the origin to get the images and . State the geometrical name for the figure .
Using a graph paper, plot the point and .
Find its perimeter.
Use graph paper for this questrion.
(Take along both x-axis and y-axis )
Plot the point and .
Reflect point and on the axis and name them and respectively. Write down their co-ordinates.
Use graph paper for this questrion.
(Take along both x-axis and y-axis )
Plot the point and
Name the figure .
Use graph paper for this questrion.
(Take along both x-axis and y-axis )
Plot the point and
State the line of symmetry of this figure.
Use graph paper for this question.
(Take on both x and y axis )
Plot the following points:
and .
Use graph paper for this question.
(Take on both x and y axis )
Reflect points on the y-axis and write down their co-ordinates. Name the image as respectively.
Use graph paper for this question.
(Take on both x and y axis )
Join the points and in order, so as to form a closed figure. Write down the equation of the line about which if this closed figure obtained is folded, the two part of the figure exactly coincide.