V.K. Sally Solutions for Chapter: Sources of Energy, Exercise 3: EXERCISE - 5C
V.K. Sally Physics Solutions for Exercise - V.K. Sally Solutions for Chapter: Sources of Energy, Exercise 3: EXERCISE - 5C
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 5: Sources of Energy, Exercise 3: EXERCISE - 5C with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Core Science Physics solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from V.K. Sally Solutions for Chapter: Sources of Energy, Exercise 3: EXERCISE - 5C with Hints & Solutions
The heat energy in the interior of the earth is also known as ______ energy.
(Solar /Thermal /Geothermal)

Name the major constituent of natural gas. (Carbon dioxide/Methane)

Name the type of nuclear reaction which is responsible for the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.
(nuclear fusion/nuclear fission)

Name the nuclear process that is responsible for the explosion of atom bomb.
(Choose from: nuclear fission/nuclear fusion)

Name the nuclear process that is responsible for release of energy by the sun.
(Nuclear Fusion/ Nuclear Fission)

With the help of a labelled diagram, describe the working of a solar water heater.

What are the environmental consequences of using fossil fuels? Suggest the steps to minimise the pollution caused by various sources of energy including non-conventional sources of energy.

Energy from various sources is considered to have been derived from the sun. Do you agree? Justify your answer.