Objective Problems

Author:D. C. Pandey

D. C. Pandey Physics Solutions for Exercise - Objective Problems

Simple step-by-step solutions to Objective Problems questions of Fluid Mechanics from Complete Study Pack for Engineering Entrances Objective Physics Vol 1. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.

Questions from Objective Problems with Hints & Solutions

JEE Main

There is a circular tube in a vertical plane. Two liquids which do not mix and of densities d1 and d2 are filled in the tube. Each liquid subtends 90°angle at centre. Radius joining their interface makes an angle α with vertical. Ratio d1d2 is

JEE Main

On heating water, bubbles beings formed at the bottom of the vessel detach and rise. Take the bubbles to be spheres of radius R and making a circular contact of radius r with the bottom of the vessel. If r<<R and the surface tension of water is T, value of r just before bubbles detach is (density of water is ρ)

JEE Main

If a ball of steel (density ρ=7.8 g cm-3) attains a terminal velocity of 10 cm s-1 when falling in a tank of water (coefficient of viscosity ηwater =8.5×10-4 Pa-s) then its terminal velocity in glycerine ρ=1.2 g cm-3,η=13.2 Pa-s would be nearly 

JEE Main

A large open tank has two holes in its wall. One is a square hole of side a at a depth of x from the top and the other is a circular hole of radius r at a depth 4x from the top. When the tank is completely filled with water, the quantities of water flowing out per second from both holes are the same. Then, r is equal to 

JEE Main

An object weighs m1 in a liquid of density d1 and that in liquid of density d2 is m2. The density d of the object is

JEE Main

A body floats in water with 40% of its volume outside water. When the same body floats in an oil, 60% of its volume remains outside oil. The relative density of oil is

JEE Main

A ball is made of a material of density ρ, where ρoil <ρ<ρwater  with ρoil  and ρwater  representing the densities of oil and water respectively. The oil and water are immiscible. If the above ball is in equilibrium in a mixture of this oil and water, which of the following pictures represents its equilibrium position? 

JEE Main

Three liquids of equal masses are taken in three identical cubical vessels A,B and C. Their densities are ρA,ρB and ρC respectively but ρA<ρB<ρC. The force exerted by the liquid on the base of the cubical vessel is