David Sang and Darrell Hamilton Solutions for Chapter: Radioactivity, Exercise 5: Exercise 23.5

Author:David Sang & Darrell Hamilton

David Sang Physics Solutions for Exercise - David Sang and Darrell Hamilton Solutions for Chapter: Radioactivity, Exercise 5: Exercise 23.5

Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 23: Radioactivity, Exercise 5: Exercise 23.5 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Physics for Cambridge IGCSE workbook solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from David Sang and Darrell Hamilton Solutions for Chapter: Radioactivity, Exercise 5: Exercise 23.5 with Hints & Solutions

Upper Secondary-IGCSE

The first column of the table shows some uses of radioactive substances.

In the second column, write the appropriate code letter or letters from the list below :

A  Some radiation is very penetrating.

B  Some radiation is readily absorbed.

C  Ionising radiation damages cells

D  Radiation is easily detected.

E  Radioactive substances decay at a known rate.

Use of radioactivity Code letter(s)
finding the age of an ancient object  
diagnosing cancer and destroying cancerous tissue  
sterilising medical equipment  
controlling the thickness of paper in a paper mill   
detecting smoke in the air  
tracing leaks from underground pipes  
irradiating food  

Upper Secondary-IGCSE

List and explain the precautions that can be taken to reduce the danger to living things from ionising radiation.