David Sang and Graham Jones Solutions for Chapter: Work, Energy and Power, Exercise 6: Questions
David Sang Physics Solutions for Exercise - David Sang and Graham Jones Solutions for Chapter: Work, Energy and Power, Exercise 6: Questions
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 5: Work, Energy and Power, Exercise 6: Questions with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Physics for Cambridge International AS & A Level Coursebook 3rd Edition Digital Access solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from David Sang and Graham Jones Solutions for Chapter: Work, Energy and Power, Exercise 6: Questions with Hints & Solutions
Calculate the velocity for a brass sphere of mass , and show that you get the same result. Repeat with any other value of mass.

Calculate how much gravitational potential energy is lost by an aircraft of mass if it descends from an altitude of to an altitude of . What happens to this energy if the pilot keeps the aircraft's speed constant?

A high diver (see Figure) reaches the highest point in her jump with her centre of gravity 10m above the water.
A high dive is an example of converting (transforming) gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy.
What is her speed just before the point where she enters the water is