Dhiren M Doshi Science Solutions for Exercise
Simple step-by-step solutions to Exercise questions of Reproduction in Animals from LEARNING SCIENCE. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from Exercise with Hints & Solutions
Define foetus. After how many weeks of development, is a human embryo said to become a foetus?
How does an Amoeba reproduce by binary fission? Explain.
Discuss the development of zygote in human beings.
How does a woman with blocked fallopian tubes give birth to a baby?
Why do humans mostly give birth to single baby at a time?
Why is the larva of frog not same as adult frog?
In hens, fertilization takes place internally, but they do not give birth young ones. Why?
Crossword puzzle.
1. Transformation of larva into an adult through drastic changes.
2. Embryo when all the body parts can be identified.
3. The fusion of male and female gametes.
4. Male reproductive organ.
5. Mode of reproduction in Hydra.
6. Animals which lay eggs that later develop into young ones.
7. Mode of reproduction in humans.