Dhiren M Doshi Solutions for Chapter: Sound, Exercise 2: Check Your Progress
Dhiren M Doshi Physics Solutions for Exercise - Dhiren M Doshi Solutions for Chapter: Sound, Exercise 2: Check Your Progress
Attempt the free practice questions on Chapter 6: Sound, Exercise 2: Check Your Progress with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. LIVING SCIENCE PHYSICS 9 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from Dhiren M Doshi Solutions for Chapter: Sound, Exercise 2: Check Your Progress with Hints & Solutions
Distinguish between compression and rarefaction on the basis of volume of the medium.

Distinguish between compression and rarefaction on the basis of density of the particles.

Classify waves with respect of direction of the periodic changes in the medium.

Draw a density-distance graph for a longitudinal wave and indicate the position of compression and rarefaction.

Explain in detail the formation of a longitudinal wave when a tuning fork vibrates.

Explain the formation of transverse waves in a slinky.

What are crests and troughs in relation to a transverse wave? Draw a diagram to represent them.

Draw a displacement-distance graph for a transverse wave and indicate the positions of crests and troughs.