Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: The Human Eye and The Colourful World, Exercise 1: Nagaland Board-2020

Author:Embibe Experts

Embibe Experts Science Solutions for Exercise - Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: The Human Eye and The Colourful World, Exercise 1: Nagaland Board-2020

Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 11: The Human Eye and The Colourful World, Exercise 1: Nagaland Board-2020 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. EMBIBE CHAPTER WISE PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERS FOR SCIENCE solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from Embibe Experts Solutions for Chapter: The Human Eye and The Colourful World, Exercise 1: Nagaland Board-2020 with Hints & Solutions

10th Nagaland Board

The least distance of distinct vision for a normal human eye is 

10th Nagaland Board

Explain the dispersion of white light by a glass prism with a labelled diagram.

10th Nagaland Board

Coloured band of light obtained by dispersion of white light is called

10th Nagaland Board

The far point of a myopic eye is 80 cm in front of the eye. What is the nature and power of lens required to correct the problem?