Chhattisgarh Board Solutions for Chapter: The Crop of Chhattisgarh- Paddy, Exercise 4: Exercise 4

Author:Chhattisgarh Board

Chhattisgarh Board Environmental Studies Solutions for Exercise - Chhattisgarh Board Solutions for Chapter: The Crop of Chhattisgarh- Paddy, Exercise 4: Exercise 4

Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 11: The Crop of Chhattisgarh- Paddy, Exercise 4: Exercise 4 with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Environmental Studies solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from Chhattisgarh Board Solutions for Chapter: The Crop of Chhattisgarh- Paddy, Exercise 4: Exercise 4 with Hints & Solutions

4th Chhattisgarh Board

What are the methods used in your village to get the rice out of paddy? Name them.

4th Chhattisgarh Board

In what form is the rice used as food?

4th Chhattisgarh Board

What are the dishes made of rice during festivals? Name them.