G L Mittal and TARUN MITTAL Solutions for Chapter: Elasticity, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS
G L Mittal Physics Solutions for Exercise - G L Mittal and TARUN MITTAL Solutions for Chapter: Elasticity, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 18: Elasticity, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. ISC Physics Class XI Part 1 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from G L Mittal and TARUN MITTAL Solutions for Chapter: Elasticity, Exercise 1: QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
What are shearing stress and shearing strain? Define modulus of rigidity of a material and write its S.I. unit.

Draw a graph the load suspended from a wire and the extension produced in the length of the wire. Mark the elastic limit on the graph. Which part of the graph is related to Young's modulus of the material of the wire?

What are ductile materials brittle materials and elastomers? Gives two examples of each.

Explain the meaning of elastic after effect, elastic fatigue and elastic hysteresis.

Give a brief account of the applications of the knowledge of elasticity.

If a wire is the stretched by applying an external force, then prove that the elastic potential energy per unit volume of the wire is equal to (stress strain).

A wire of metal is stretched with a load. Prove that in my unit volume of the wire, The stored potential energy is we're is the Young's modulus the material of the wire and is the longitudinal on the strain.

Derive the formula for the force developed on the clamps when the temperature of a wire stretched between two claims is it changed.