Author:I E Irodov

I E Irodov Physics Solutions for Exercise - THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION OF DYNAMICS

Simple step-by-step solutions to THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION OF DYNAMICS questions of PHYSICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHANICS from Problems in General Physics. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.

Questions from THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION OF DYNAMICS with Hints & Solutions

JEE Main

A small bar starts sliding down an inclined plane forming an angle α with the horizontal. The friction coefficient depends on the distance x covered as k=ax, where a is a constant. Find the distance covered by the bar till it stops, and its maximum velocity over this distance.

JEE Main

A body of mass m rests on a horizontal plane with the friction coefficient k. At the moment t=0 a horizontal force is applied to it, which varies with time as F=at, where a is a constant vector. Find the distance traversed by the body during the first t seconds after the force action began.

JEE Main

A body of mass m is thrown straight up with velocity v0. Find the velocity v' with which the body comes down if the air drag equals kv2, where k is a constant and v is the velocity of the body.

JEE Main

A particle of mass m moves in a certain plane P due to a force F whose magnitude is constant and whose vector rotates in that plane with a constant angular velocity ω. Assuming the particle to be stationary at the moment t=0, find,

a its velocity as a function of time,

b the distance covered by the particle between two successive stops, and the mean velocity over this time.


JEE Main

A small disc A is placed on an inclined plane forming an angle α with the horizontal and is imparted an initial velocity v0. Find out how the velocity of the disc depends on the angle φ, if the friction coefficient k=tanα and at the initial moment is φ0=π2 .

JEE Main

A chain of length l is placed on a smooth spherical surface of the radius R with one of its ends fixed at the top of the sphere. What will be the acceleration w of each element of the chain when its upper end is released? It is assumed that the length of the chain l<12πR.

JEE Main

A small body is placed on the top of a smooth sphere of radius R. Then the sphere is imparted a constant acceleration w0 in the horizontal direction and the body begins sliding down. Find, 

a the velocity of the body relative to the sphere at the moment of break-off, 

b the angle θ0 between the vertical and the radius vector drawn from the centre of the sphere to the break-off point; calculate θ0 for w0=g.

JEE Main

A sleeve A can slide freely along a smooth rod bent in the shape of a half-circle of radius R (Figure.). The system is set in rotation with a constant angular velocity ω about a vertical axis OO'. Find the angle θ corresponding to the steady position of the sleeve.