G L Mittal and TARUN MITTAL Solutions for Chapter: Motion in Fluids : Viscosity, Exercise 2: NUMERICALS
G L Mittal Physics Solutions for Exercise - G L Mittal and TARUN MITTAL Solutions for Chapter: Motion in Fluids : Viscosity, Exercise 2: NUMERICALS
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 17: Motion in Fluids : Viscosity, Exercise 2: NUMERICALS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. ISC Physics Class XI Part 1 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from G L Mittal and TARUN MITTAL Solutions for Chapter: Motion in Fluids : Viscosity, Exercise 2: NUMERICALS with Hints & Solutions
What will be the terminal velocity of a steel ball of radius in glycerine?

An iron ball of radius falling through a column of oil of density attains a terminal velocity of . What is the coefficient of viscosity of the oil? The density of iron is .

A steel shot of diameter is dropped in a viscous liquid filled in a drum. Find the terminal speed of the shot. Density of the material of the shot is , density of liquid is . Coefficient of viscosity of liquid is .

If an oil drop of density and radius is falling in air whose density is and coefficient of viscosity is . Calculate the terminal speed of the drop.

The terminal velocity of a copper ball of radius in falling through a tank of oil is . Find the viscosity of the oil. The densities of copper and oil are and respectively.

Two drops of equal radii are falling through air with a terminal velocity of . If they coalesce into one drop, what will be the terminal velocity of the new drop?

An air bubble (radius ) rises up in water. Determine the terminal speed of the bubble. Density of air is negligible.

With what terminal velocity will an air bubble of diameter rise in a liquid of density and viscosity ? What will be the terminal velocity of the same bubble in water? Ignore density of air.