G L Mittal and TARUN MITTAL Solutions for Chapter: Uniform Circular Motion, Exercise 2: NUMERICALS

Author:G L Mittal & TARUN MITTAL

G L Mittal Physics Solutions for Exercise - G L Mittal and TARUN MITTAL Solutions for Chapter: Uniform Circular Motion, Exercise 2: NUMERICALS

Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 12: Uniform Circular Motion, Exercise 2: NUMERICALS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. ISC Physics Class XI Part 1 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from G L Mittal and TARUN MITTAL Solutions for Chapter: Uniform Circular Motion, Exercise 2: NUMERICALS with Hints & Solutions

11th ICSE

A ball is fixed at the end of the road and revolved in a horizontal circle of radius 5 m with a speed of 10 ms-1. Calculate the acceleration of the ball

11th ICSE

A ball is fixed at the end of the road and revolved in a horizontal circle of radius 5 m with a speed of 10 ms-1 Calculate the acceleration of the ball if the ball is revolved in a circle in a vertical plane.

11th ICSE

A ball of mass 0.3 kg is tied at the one end of a string 0.8 m long and revolved in a vertical circle. At what speed of the ball, the tension in the string is zero at the highest point of the circle? What will be the tension in the string at the lowest point of the circle in this situation?

11th ICSE

A stone is tied at one end of a weightless string and revolved in a vertical circle of radius 5m. What will be the minimum speed of the stone at the highest point so that the string does not slack?

11th ICSE

A stone is tied at one end of a weightless string and revolved in a vertical circle of radius 5m.  What should be the speed of the stone at the lowest point in this situation?

11th ICSE

A bucket full of water is tied with a rope of 1.6 m long and revolved in a vertical circle. What will be the speed of the bucket at the highest point so that the water may not fall.

11th ICSE

A train is moving with the speed of 72 km/hr on a curved railway track of  400 m radius..A spring balance is loaded with a block of 5 kg is suspended from the ceiling of the train. What would be the reading on the balance?

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11th ICSE

A train is moving with the speed of 72 km/hr  on a curved railway track of 400 m radius. A spring balance is loaded with a block of 5 kg is suspended from the of the train. What would be the reading on the balance?

 If the spring balance makes an angle of 10° with the vertical, then what is the centripetal acceleration on the train (tan 10°=0.176)


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