Let's revise
K K Gupta Science Solutions for Exercise - Let's revise
Simple step-by-step solutions to Let's revise questions of Nutrition in Animals from Frank Everyday Science. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from Let's revise with Hints & Solutions
Villi help in digestion of food.
Which type of carbohydrate cannot be digested by humans, whether glucose or cellulose?
Which organ helps to sense different tastes? (Nose/Tongue)
Complete the given analogy.
Bile : Fat : : Pepsin : _____
Complete the given analogy from the options given in bracket.
Saliva : Salivary glands :: _____ : Digestive glands (Hormone/ Digestive juices)
Complete the given analogy.
Amylase : Salivary glands : : Maltase : _____ (Intestinal glands/Peptic glands)
Complete the analogy.
Bile juice : Liver : : _____ : Pancreas
Compare the digestive systems of man and cow. List the differences found in their organ structures and in their diet.