K L Chugh Solutions for Chapter: Biomolecules, Exercise 3: REVIEW EXERCISES
K L Chugh Chemistry Solutions for Exercise - K L Chugh Solutions for Chapter: Biomolecules, Exercise 3: REVIEW EXERCISES
Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 14: Biomolecules, Exercise 3: REVIEW EXERCISES with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. NEW SYSTEMATIC MODERN CHEMISTRY solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from K L Chugh Solutions for Chapter: Biomolecules, Exercise 3: REVIEW EXERCISES with Hints & Solutions
Optical rotations of some compounds along with their structures are given below which of them have D-configuration.

Structure of a disaccharide formed by glucose and fructose is given below. Identify anomeric carbon atoms in monosaccharide units.

Three structures are given below in which two glucose units are linked. Which of these linkages between glucose units are between and and which linkages are between and

Name the -amino acid which is optically inactive.

What are the functions of nucleic acids? What are the structures of sugar molecules present in DNA and RNA.

What is glycosidic linkage? Draw the structure of maltose showing glycosidic linkage.

What is peptide linkage? Explain the secondary structure of proteins.

What is the basic structural difference between starch and cellulose?