KN BHATIA and MP TYAGI TRUEMAN'S ELEMENTARY Biology VOL. 1 For 12 Class of 10+2 Solutions
Author:K N Bhatia & M P Tyagi
Publisher:Trueman Publication
12th CBSE
KN BHATIA and MP TYAGI TRUEMAN'S ELEMENTARY Biology VOL. 1 For 12 Class of 10+2 Solutions: Overview
KN BHATIA and MP TYAGI's TRUEMAN'S ELEMENTARY Biology VOL. 1 For 12 Class of 10+2 solutions book is a must have for all 12th CBSE aspirants. The book provides detailed solutions for all the chapters of 12th CBSE such as Ecosystem, Evolution, Human Reproduction, Environmental Issues and, Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants. Student can refer to the TRUEMAN'S ELEMENTARY Biology VOL. 1 For 12 Class of 10+2 for questions which are frequent in upcoming examinations.
Practice Questions with Solutions from K N Bhatia TRUEMAN'S ELEMENTARY Biology VOL. II For XII Class of 10+2