K N Bhatia and M P Tyagi Solutions for Exercise 1: TEST QUESTIONS

Author:K N Bhatia & M P Tyagi

K N Bhatia Biology Solutions for Exercise - K N Bhatia and M P Tyagi Solutions for Exercise 1: TEST QUESTIONS

Attempt the free practice questions from Exercise 1: TEST QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. TRUEMAN'S ELEMENTARY Biology VOL. II For XII Class of 10+2 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from K N Bhatia and M P Tyagi Solutions for Exercise 1: TEST QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions

12th CBSE

At what stage is mammalian embryo implanted in the uterus?

12th CBSE

Differentiate between the location and function of Sertoli cells and Leydig's cells.

12th CBSE

Why are the human testes situated in the scrotum outside the abdomen?

12th CBSE

Enumerate the events in the ovary of a human female during the following:

(i) Follicular phase

(ii) Luteal phase of the menstrual cycle

12th CBSE

Explain the hormonal regulation of the process of spermatogenesis in human.

12th CBSE

Comment on the role of the placenta as an endocrine gland.

12th CBSE

Rashmi gave birth to three girls. Her mother-in-law blamed her for giving birth to girls. However, as we know, ova (eggs) are only of one type containing 22+X chromosomes, but sperms are of two types: one type of sperms contain 22+X chromosomes and another type of sperms contain 22+Y chromosomes. When ovum and sperm with 22+Y chromosomes are fused, a male child is formed and when ovum and sperm with 22+X chromosomes are fused, a girl child is produced.

Read the above passage and answer the following question:

Penetration of which type of sperm into the ovum produces a male child.

12th CBSE

Match the items given in Column I with those in column II and select the correct option given below.

Column I Column II
A. Proliferative phase (i) Breakdown of the endometrial lining
B. Secretory phase (ii) Follicular phase
C. Menstruation (iii) Luteal phase