K N Bhatia and M P Tyagi Solutions for Exercise 1: TEST QUESTIONS
K N Bhatia Biology Solutions for Exercise - K N Bhatia and M P Tyagi Solutions for Exercise 1: TEST QUESTIONS
Attempt the free practice questions from Exercise 1: TEST QUESTIONS with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. TRUEMAN'S ELEMENTARY Biology VOL. II For XII Class of 10+2 solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.
Questions from K N Bhatia and M P Tyagi Solutions for Exercise 1: TEST QUESTIONS with Hints & Solutions
Give an example of a plant which came into India on a contaminant and is cause of pollen allergy.

Why is tender coconut considered a healthy source of nutrition.

Still, it is observed that exine does not form a continuous layer around the pollen grain. Give reason.

When do farmers prefer using apomictic seeds?

When a seed of an orange is squeezed, many embryos, instead of one are observed. Are these embryos genetically similar or different? Comment.

Amritya suffers from running nose, fever and bronchitis every year during late summer and autumn. What is the reason behind it?
What should you suggest to him and others with a similar problem?

Shreya was walking along with her young brother Srijjan in the garden. Suddenly Srijjan's attention was drawn towards a butterfly that was visiting one flower after another. He asked Shreya what was the butterfly doing. Shreya told her younger brother about honey collection and pollination by the butterfly. What values were highlighted by Shreya?

How are rice and wheat pollinated? Why is normal pollination absent in the two despite the flowers being chasmogamous?