Karnataka Board Solutions for Chapter: Our India - Physical Diversity, Exercise 10: challenge to you

Author:Karnataka Board

Karnataka Board Environmental Studies Solutions for Exercise - Karnataka Board Solutions for Chapter: Our India - Physical Diversity, Exercise 10: challenge to you

Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 15: Our India - Physical Diversity, Exercise 10: challenge to you with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES TEXT CUM WORK BOOK (REVISED) ENGLISH MEDIUM 5 FIFTH STANDARD solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from Karnataka Board Solutions for Chapter: Our India - Physical Diversity, Exercise 10: challenge to you with Hints & Solutions

5th Karnataka Board

The earth is heating. The ground water is dried up, and there is melting of snow in the Himalayan mountains. What are the reasons for this? Think about it and discuss with your friends. Write here. 

5th Karnataka Board

How are we benefited by the broadcast of the weather report on radio, TV, newspaper?