Long Answer Type Questions
Lakhmir Singh Physics Solutions for Exercise - Long Answer Type Questions
Simple step-by-step solutions to Long Answer Type Questions questions of Refraction of Light from Science for Tenth Class Part - 1 Physics. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from Long Answer Type Questions with Hints & Solutions
Explain why, a stick half immersed in water appears to be bent at the surface. Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate your answer.
A coin in a glass tumbler appears to rise as the glass tumbler is slowly filled with water. Name the phenomenon responsible for this effect. (Choose from reflection of light/ refraction of light/ Dispersion of light).
Name the phenomenon due to which a pencil partly immersed in water and held obliquely appears to be bent at the water surface.
(Choose from: Reflection of light / Refraction of light)
Name the phenomenon due to which a pencil partly immersed in water and held obliquely appears to be bent at the water surface. (Choose from reflection of light or refraction of light).
With the help of a diagram, show how when light falls obliquely on the side of a rectangular glass slab, the emergent ray is parallel to the incident ray.
Show the lateral displacement of the ray on the diagram of light ray obliquely falling on a glass slab.
State two factors on which the lateral displacement of the emergent ray depends.
Explain with the help of a labelled ray diagram, why a pencil partly immersed in water appears to be bent at the water surface. State whether the bending of pencil will increase if water is replaced by another liquid which is optically more denser than water. Give reason for your answer.