Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur Solutions for Chapter: The Human Eye and The Colourful World, Exercise 15: Short Answer Type Questions

Author:Lakhmir Singh & Manjit Kaur

Lakhmir Singh Physics Solutions for Exercise - Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur Solutions for Chapter: The Human Eye and The Colourful World, Exercise 15: Short Answer Type Questions

Attempt the practice questions on Chapter 6: The Human Eye and The Colourful World, Exercise 15: Short Answer Type Questions with hints and solutions to strengthen your understanding. Science for Tenth Class Part - 1 Physics solutions are prepared by Experienced Embibe Experts.

Questions from Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur Solutions for Chapter: The Human Eye and The Colourful World, Exercise 15: Short Answer Type Questions with Hints & Solutions

10th CBSE

What is meant by the dispersion of white light? Describe the formation of the rainbow in the sky with the help of a diagram.

10th CBSE

In the figure given alongside, a narrow beam of white light is shown to pass through a triangular glass prism. After passing through the prism, it produces a spectrum YX on the screen.
Question Image
State the colour seen (i) at X, and (ii) at Y.

10th CBSE

In the figure given alongside, a narrow beam of white light is shown to pass through a triangular glass prism. After passing through the prism, it produces a spectrum YX on the screen.
Question Image

Why do different colours of white light bend through different angles with respect to the incident beam of light?

10th CBSE

Draw a diagram to show how white light can be dispersed into a spectrum by using a glass prism. Mark the various colours of the spectrum.

10th CBSE

Make two diagrams to explain refraction and dispersion.

10th CBSE

Describe how you could demonstrate that white light is composed of a number of colours.

10th CBSE

How could you show that the colours of the spectrum combine to give white light?

10th CBSE

Which is refracted most by a prism: red light or violet light? Explain why?