S K Aggarwal Biology Solutions for Exercise - TEST YOURSELF
Simple step-by-step solutions to TEST YOURSELF questions of Reproduction in Plants and Animals from Learning Elementary Biology for Class 8. Also get 3D topic explainers, cheat sheets, and unlimited doubts solving on EMBIBE.
Questions from TEST YOURSELF with Hints & Solutions
Mention the functions of the following : Oviduct
Which part of the human body produces sperms? (Testes/ Ovaries)
Which part of the human body produces the Ova.
Name the part of the female reproductive system where fertilization of ovum by the sperm takes place.
Name the organ involved in the following:
Passing of sperms from a man to a woman.
Describe the male and female reproductive systems in humans.
Make a well-labelled diagram of the reproductive organs in male human being.
Make well-labelled diagrams of the reproductive organs in female human being.